Студопедия — The Past Perfect Tense
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The Past Perfect Tense


Ex 32 Study the following chart.*

1. By three o'clock yesterday he had arrangedeverything for the trip. 2. He said that they had left Moscow a week before. 3. She told me that she had known him since 1962. 4. When we arrived at the stadium, the match had already started. 5. As soon as (when, after) they had finished breakfast the children ran out to play. 6. He did not want to go to the cinema because he had seen the film on TV.

Ex 33 Complete the following sentences, using the Past Perfect Tense (see the chart above).


(A) 1. He told her that he (buy a TV set the year before). 2. The man at the station said that the train (leave already). 3. Mary told me that she (not get a letter from her son yet). She said that she (not hear from him for some weeks). 4. He understood that he (get off at the wrong station). 5. He said that his parents (always live in the country). 6. I didn't know that she (change her address). 7. He didn't remember how it all (happen). 8. We were sure that she (tell the truth). 9. I saw that the child (catch a cold). 10. She hoped that I (pay for the tickets already). 11. When he woke up next morning and looked out of the window he understood that it (rain heavily during the night).


(B) 1. When we came back, the telegram (arrive already). 2. When I got to the station the train (already leave). 3. The rain (already stop) when we started. 4. When I finished school my elder sister (be a teacher for two years). 5. We (make all the arrangements already) when we learned that he wouldn't come.


(C) 1. I knew her immediately because my brother (describe her to me very well). 2. The militiaman stopped her because she (cross the street in the wrong place). 3. I was not hungry because I (have lunch just an hour before). 4. Nobody knew when he came in because he (enter the house through the back door). 5. I thought he knew English well because he (live in England for some years). 6. It happened to him because he (always be too sure of himself).


(D) 1. As soon as they (take a decision) they could discuss less important questions. 2. After we (make a fire) it became warm. 3. When I (throw out all the old newspapers and magazines) I could arrange my new books nicely on the shelf. 4. After he (pay the money for the plane tickets) he had very little left in his pockets. 5. I met her soon after I (learn the news). 6. When he (finish his work) he went to bed.

Ex 34 Practise the following according to the model.


Model: Mary told us a story she had never (not) told us before.


1. When I was at the Tretyakov Picture Gallery last, I saw some pictures there I —. 2. At their dinner party we met some people we —. 3. I went for a walk and decided to take the road I —. 4. He taught me Judo, in a way nobody —. 5. He showed us the pictures he —. 6. She spoke of something she —. 7. The lecture was very interesting, we heard something we —. 8. The dinner was quite unusual, I ate something —.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1080. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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