Студопедия — Ask and answer the questions to the text (work in pairs)
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Ask and answer the questions to the text (work in pairs)

1. What specialists are involved in constructing and maintaining tunnel systems?

2. Are most tunnel jobs positions government or commercial?

3. What are the geologists and surveyors responsible for?

4. What obligations are imposed on civil engineers?

5. Who authorizes the design of a new tunnel?

6. What important tunnel jobs do explosive workers and blasters hold?

7. What do ironworkers do?

8. What kind of work do cement masons and rebar workers perform

9. What do specialists do for maintenance of roads or railways?

10. What does the Building reliable structure involve?

11. What hazards may cause accidents on construction site?




Work on lexis. Choose the word combinations from A. and B.

Some variants are possible.

a watch, the machine during its operation, rocks and soil, reinforcement, the rail, a cable in ground, from solid granite, platform, a beam to the bridge, site, into a ball.

A. B.
to cut  
to shape  
to bend  
to lift  
to weld  
to bolt up  
to displace  
to assemble  
to install  
to build  
to supervise  

2) Read the text again. How many specialists are engaged in the tunnel construction process? What are their responsibilities at work?

A. Match the jobs with the duties in the box.

A. Geologist and surveyor
B. Civil engineer
C. Ironworker and metal fabricator
D. Cement mason and rebar worker
E. Construction crew
F. Explosive worker and blaster
G. Electrician
A. 1) takes measurements, records information about the area, makes sure that the construction won’t disrupt ecosystems, rates the appropriate length, width, and height for a new tunnel
  2) pours cement around reinforced metal bars in the forms and allow it to dry, clean any excess of concrete and smooth finished panels
  3) constructs and maintains the roads or railways that travel through structures, smoothes the ground, paves roads, and paints lines
  4) runs power lines, installs lights
  5) designs the structure, determines the size and shape, draws blueprints, calculates the expected costs of materials and laborers, estimates the time to tunnel completion, schedules the different phases of the building process
  6) takes final measurements, calculates the quantity of explosives, places and detonates explosives
  7) assembles and installs large beams, trusses, and columns to provide the basic framework for the tunnel, creates forms out of metal to provide the framework for concrete panels and columns


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