Студопедия — Our University
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Our University

The Bratsk State Technical University is the only school for higher learning in our town. It is situated on the left bank of the Angara not far from the Hydro-Power Plant. Our University with a block of flats for teachers, hostels, workshops, educational buildings, refectory makes up a whole township.

The origin of the Bratsk University goes back to the foundation of the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute.

It (our University) is administrated by a rector and some deputy rectors.

As many as twelve thousand students attend day-time and extra-mural courses. But the main tuition is given by day-time.

Admission to our University, as well as to other Institutes and Universities of our country, is based on a competitive system. Many entrants to the University come from remote areas.

There are 14 faculties at the University: power engineering, mechanical controllable systems, wood engineering, humanitarian, natural sciences, correspondence and others.

Each faculty is divided into departments of 10-25 staff led by professors and assistant professors.

Our teachers deliver lectures and hold seminars on different subjects such as: physics, chemistry, higher mathematics, strength of materials, applied electrical engineering, heat and power engineering, motor transport, social sciences, foreign languages and many others.

During the third-fifth years the students specialize in their main areas of interest. Their interest is focused on fundamental industrial techniques. Process control and computer programming are also included in the curriculum.

The different courses include also aspects on pollution and environmental problems.

In the fifth year the student is required to write a diploma thesis. The work can be performed either at the University or in industry. The aim of the diploma work is to train the students in individual research, in planning investigations and in presenting their results in a written report. The diploma work could thus be the beginning of a research career or lead to employment in industry.

After graduating from the University the students get the «Diploma in Higher Education».

It should be emphasized that our University possesses good training facilities: auditoriums, laboratories, libraries, gymnasiums with the latest equipment. There are also hostels with all conveniences. Practically all non-Bratsk students live there.

Our students receive grants.


4. Повторите предлагаемые синтагмы за диктором:

1. The only higher school in our town…

2. Not far from the Hydro Power Plant…

3. With a block of flats for teachers, hostels, workshops, educational buildings, refectory…

4. As many as thousand students…

5. The same to other Institutes of our country…

6. The students specialize in their main areas of interest…

7. During the second semester of the fifth year…

8. Either at the University or in industry…

9. The beginning of a research career…

10. It should be emphasized that…

11. Our University possesses good training facilities…


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 767. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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