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If you ask me why of all humanities I have chosen history, my answer will be: it interests me as a science because it helps one to understand and explain the processes going on in various aspects of human history. It also helps one to foresee the course of events in the future. But no one can really study any particular period of history unless he knows a lot about what preceded it, and what came after it.

Now I am a second-year student of the Bratsk State Technical University and I belong to the Humanitarian Pedagogical Faculty. It was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter this faculty and take up History seriously as my future specialty.

I know that a teacher is the central figure in the teaching and educational process. A teacher takes an active part in shaping child’s character. He has a lot of difficulties trying to develop such traits of character as: kindness, loyalty, cooperation, respect for ideals, devotion to duty. The teaching profession is one of the most important and difficult ones. The students who have chosen the teaching profession should clearly understand what makes a good teacher. A teacher must be an educated person and he must like children. A real teacher must be a professional, he must have deep knowledge of his subject.

There are many historical subjects in our programme. When we are through with ancient History, we’ll pass over to the study of the Middle Ages. As to Russian History, I think we’ll start learning the pre-Revolutionary period next year, but not until we are through with the feudal period. When I am in my third year, I wish to devote myself to the special study of Modern and Contemporary History which I am greatly attracted to.

But to be a good teacher you also need some of the gifts of a good actor. The main difficulty is to hold the attention and interest of your class. You must be a clear speaker with good, strong and pleasing voice. Lisenkova, Shatalov, Ilyin, Amonashvilly and other famous teachers are not only the imparters of knowledge, but fine actors in class as well. One of the main ideas of their teaching methods is the pedagogics of cooperation. New demands are presented to the teacher by the school reform and the social prestige and authority of teaching profession will be raised.

Whether I’ll make a very good teacher or a research worker remains to be seen, but I’m sure that eventually I’ll become quite knowledgeable in the field of History and perhaps social sciences. Students graduating from our faculty are full of energy to apply in practice knowledge acquired at the University.


3. Научитесь правильно произносить следующие интернациональные слова:

humanity [hju:! mæ nwtw]  
faculty [fæ kcltw]  
prestige [pres! tw: ¥ ]  
authority []: › ]rwtw]  
social [! sou• cl]  
energy [! enc®w]  


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