Студопедия — Упражнение 29
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Упражнение 29

А. Найдите в предложениях герундий, который может выполнять функции подлежащего, дополнения или обстоятельства.

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. Studying a human skeleton can reveal important information such as race, medical
history, weight, gender, body size, muscle mass, and age.

2. Listening to the heart is a simple and effective method of cardiac diagnosis.

3. Matching a donor and a recipient for a bone-marrow transplant is hard.

4. Merely having gallstones does not represent a problem as long as the stones
remain small.

5. According to surveys being a doctor is the most highly respected of the professions.

6. In addition to being able to withstand stresses spongy bone is much more lighter
than compact bone.

7. Besides being the largest gland in the body, the liver is perhaps the most versa­
tile. Scientists have identified over 500 functions of the liver.

8. Some patients need a lot of looking after.

9. Treatment of allergies depends on correctly identifying the allergen to which the
patient is sensitive.


10. The doctor advised against going to bed late.

11. The patient was given drugs to prevent the graft being rejected.

12. When the damaged tubules of the kidneys fail to achieve the elimination of fluid,
it, instead of being excreted, collects in the tissues and causes swelling of various
parts of the body.

13. Bacteria are stained before being examined under the microscope.

14. Her illness resulted in her being away from work for several weeks.

15. The abdomen proper differs from the other great cavities in the body being
bounded for the most part by muscles and fasciae.

16. By providing a calcium reserve, the skeleton plays the primary role in the
homeostatic maintenance of normal calcium ion concentration in the body fluids.

17. Infectious hepatitis and serum hepatitis are caused by different viruses (called A
and B) and having had one does not give immunity against an attack of the other.

18. The coccyx, so called from having been compared to a cuckoo's beak, is usually
formed of four small segments of bone, and is the most rudimentary part of the
vertebral column.

6.2 Функции " ing-forms"

Упражнение 30


А. Проанализируйте структуру каждого предложения и определите его ядро. Определите, какие функ­ции выполняют в предложениях так называемые " ing-forms".

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. From a chemical point of view, a cell is a special collection of molecules, that has
the ability to reproduce itself from the molecules in its surroundings.

2. A cell is enclosed by the plasma membrane, which forms a selective barrier
allowing nutrients to enter and waste products to leave.

3. The nucleus is one of the very greatest importance to the cell's life and the very
centre of its being. It exerts its influence by regulating the amount and types of
protein made in the cell.

4. The most striking characteristics of protoplasm are its vital properties of motion
and nutrition.

5. Maintaining internal organization requires a continual input of energy into the

6. Being small allows microorganisms high metabolic rates because the surface to
volume ratio increases as the size of cell decreases.

7. When a cell is going to divide, the DNA molecules reproduce themselves by
doubling and splitting lengthwise.

8. The dividing cells begin to differentiate and become muscle cells, skin cells,
nerve cells and so on. Understanding differentiation is one of the most challenging
problems facing scientists.

9. Following division, each cell goes through a typical series of internal changes,
including growth, before it divides again.


10. The cytoplasm is divided, producing two identical daughter cells.

11. In mitosis chromosomes become shorter and the nuclear envelope breaks, releasing
the chromosomes, which duplicate.

12. Embryonic cell division is characterized not only by an increasing but also by the
origin of differentiated cells.

13. Staining a cell kills it, and in examining a stained cell we are examining a corpse
in which all activity has come to an end.

14. Our DNA contains more than 80, 000 genes that control all the working of our

15. Enzymes are chemicals produced by living cells which have the power of altering
the rate of chemical reactions occuring in the body.

16. Donated cells can attack the patient's body, causing life-threatening graft-versus-
host disease.

17. Our understanding of genetic structure is opening the possibility of diagnosing
and correcting some of those problems.

18. Identifying the individual cell components which carry the hereditary " deter­
miners" and discovering the laws underlying their transmission from generation
to generation was one of the major tasks in cytology.

РАЗДЕЛ 7 Инфинитив (The Infinitive)

7.1 Инфинитив в функции подлежащего,

именной части сказуемого и дополнения.

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