Студопедия — Dialogues. — Hello! Do you have grandparents?
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Dialogues. — Hello! Do you have grandparents?


— Hello!

— Hello! Do you have grandparents?

— Yes, I'm a lucky one. I have two grannies and two grandpas. And you?

— So do I. Let's talk about our grandparents.

— OK. I'd like to tell you about my mother's father. He is a very interesting man for me. He has a very big garden, and he keeps bees, five bee hives. Once I organized an excursion to his hives. It was interesting to watch his work with his hives.

— Did you taste honey?

— Sure. He gave us fresh honey with tea. All my classmates were very glad to taste it.

— It's very interesting. And I'd like to tell you about my father's mother. She has a piano, and she is a very good musician. When she was young, she used to go to different parts of our country with the concerts. I think that my musical ability comes from her. Now she doesn't have concerts, she daily teaches me to play the piano. I'm very thankful to her.

— OK. Thank you for our talk. Maybe I'll come to your place to listen to your granny.

— Maybe. And I'd like to go to the country to see your grandpa's hives. Bye.

— Bye-bye.



— What flat do you live in?

— It's rather large and comfortable. And a good thing about our flat is that the kitchen is rather big.

— Who do you live there with?

— I live there with my parents and my elder sister. And you?

— I live with my parents and grandparents.

— Are they still working?

— No, they are on pension.

— And where do they live?

— In a country house, not very far from Moscow. It takes me 35 minutes to get to the downtown.

— Do you have all modern conveniences?

— Sure. And our house is rather big. It's a two-storey building. I have a room of my own there. There is a big living room and a kitchen, but the bathroom is not very large.

— I'd like to come to your place. Can I do it tomorrow?

— Of course. Write down my address. See you tomorrow at 5 pm.

— Bye-bye.



— What is your idea of the perfect flat?

— I don't think it's possible.

— Let's try!

— OK. I think there will be ten rooms in it. including a large living room and a kitchen.

— But a person doesn't need ten rooms.

— It's only a dream. Besides, there will be a river or a lake not far from the house.

— What about flowers?

— Of course. There will be a lot of flowerbeds with different bright flowers.

— What about furniture?

— I dream about old pieces of furniture. 1 prefer this style. And there will be a home library in one of the rooms. You know, I'm a bookworm. I read a lot.

— Maybe you'll draw such a perfect flat?

— Sure. Let's meet tomorrow. I'll show you my picture. Bye-bye.

— Sec you tomorrow. Bye.



I think there is a lot housework to do.

— As for me, I don't think so.

— But I do. There is a lot of dust everywhere and a lot of mess in the kitchen.

— That's true, but I can't do it because I'm busy.

— Really? You eat, drink and watch television! And it means that you're busy!

— But the TV programme is very interesting today. Would you like to sit down and watch this film with me? It's about cops and robbers. Besides I think this is more interesting than doing household chores.

— But I can't watch TV.

— Why not?

— The television is too dusty!



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