Студопедия — British Character
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British Character

The British are said to be polite and well-mannered people. Polite words or phrases sue has " Please", " Thank you" and " Excuse me" are used very often in Britain. Queuing is a national habit. At bus stops and cinemas, in shops, banks and post offices and in lots of other places you'll have to join the queue and wait for your turn. " An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one, " said George Mikes.

The British are said to be reserved. They don't like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations. But they are not unemotional. They control their emotions because they are taught that it is best not to show their feelings. The English hardly ever lie, but they don't tell you the truth either. English people take everything with a sense of humour. You can easily offend them if you tell them they have no sense of humour.

Englishmen tend to be rather conservative, they love familiar things. They are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. Britain has more living symbols of its past than many other countries. Traditional uniforms are still preserved in Great Britain. There are also a lot of traditional ceremonies such as the " Changing of the Guard" at Buckingham Palace, " Trooping the Colour", which is performed on the Queen's official birthday, or the " Ceremony of the Keys", that takes place every night at the Tower of London.

The English are practical and realistic, prudent and careful about almost everything. Everything is orderly: the lawns and the trees are neatly trimmed. Every Englishman is said to be a countryman at heart. The English countryside is many things to many people. It means peace and quiet, beauty, good health and no crime. Most Englishmen love gardens. Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies among Englishmen. They usually prefer И house with a garden to an apartment in a modern block of flats.

The British people are considered to be the world's greatest teal drinkers. They drink it at meals and between meals. The English tea is usually strong and with milk.


The British love animals very much. Millions of families have " bird-tables" in their gardens. Nearly half of the households in Britain keep at least one pet. The English take good care of their pets. They are pet lovers.



1. Arc the British polite? Why? 2. Are the British reserved or communicative? Why? 3. Why are the British people said to be conservative? 4. What traditional British ceremonies do you know? 5. What are traditional British dishes? What do the British like to

drink? 6. Do the British keep everything in order? How can you prove that? 7. Do the British like their countryside? 8. What is their attitude towards animals? 9. Can you describe the British using 3 adjectives? 10. What is your personal attitude towards the British? 11. How different or alike do you think the Russians and the British are?


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1824. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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