Студопедия — Olympic Games
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Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in Ancient Greece 2, 800 years ago. The original Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years.

Today's Olympic Games are very different from the first ones. Women couldn't play; they weren't even allowed to watch. Ancient athletes competed without any clothes on!

The early events were footraces. Later wrestling, javelin, discus, jumping and other events were added. Athletes became stars in those days too. The winners of the Games were highly praised and honoured for their results. There was no TV, but winners' images often appeared on coins or as statues after their victories. In 394 a Roman Emperor ended the ancient Olympics, and they weren't renewed until many centuries later.

In 1894 Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, began working to bring the Olympics back to life. He hoped thaе the Games would help to promote peace among nations.

Two years later the first modem Olympics took place. Of course, they were held in Greece to symbolizethe continuation of the centuries-old tradition.

The Olympics have changed with the times. The first events for women were held in 1900. In 2000 in Sydney, for the first time, women competed in the same number of team sports as men. Many sports have been added. Beginning in 1926 Winter Olympics were included They were held in the same year as the Summer Games, but starting in 1994, the Winter Games are held two years after the Summer Games.

Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. Since then Soviet sportsmen have won a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals. Hundreds of athletes have become record-setters, a number of them more than once. In 1980 Moscow hosted the 22nd Olympic Games.

The opening and the closing of the Games are very spectacular ceremonies. One of the most famous Olympic traditions is the lighting of the Olympic flame. It is brought from Greece to the capital of the Games by relay. The Olympic flag has five coloured interlaced rings, representing the five parts of the world, on a white background. The motto of the Olympic Games is " Citius, Altius, Fortius" that means " Faster, Higher, Stronger".

The Olympic Games aren't just about winning. The real thrill is competing against the best players on earth. In the words of US sportsman Dot Richardson, " every athlete wants to face an opponent who's having the performance of a lifetime. That is when you truly find that you are the best."


Not only athletes usually wait for the Olympics, all sports fans are impatient too. When the Games begin, television broadcasts the ceremonies and the events to millions of people. They are able to support their favourite teams and sportsmen. And of course, they are proud when the sportsmen from their native country win bronze, silver or gold medals.


1. What is the history of the ancient Olympic Games? 2. How and when were the Olympic Games renewed? 3. When were the Winter Games introduced? 4. Arc Summer and Winter Games held separately? 5. What sports are included into the Olympic Games? 6. What is the most famous Olympic tradition? 7. What does the

motto of the Olympic Games mean? 8. When did Russia join the Olympic movement? 9. What part does Russia play in the Olympic Games? 10. Where were the latest Summer and Winter Olympic Games held?


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