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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


Scientific and technical activity at the Institute is an integral part of specialists training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The scientists and scholars of the Institute help postgraduate officers and cadets become proficient in modern principles and skills for conducting independent scientific research, jointly develop prospective scientific themes with the wide use of mathematical computer modeling. The results of the department’s research are used in educational process and stipulate the introduction of new courses. The scientists of the Institute make an important contribution to the development of national military science.

The priorities of R& D are: military and technical problems, computer assisted research of methodological studies, military history, military pedagogy and education.

Research and practical conferences, seminars, " round tables" on problems of military history, military legislation, principal directions of social development of the state and concept of military education in Ukraine are systematically held at the Military Institute. It has modern material and technical resources, which facilitate professional preparation of scientific papers, reviews, and dissertations for printing. The Military Scientific Society of postgraduate officers, cadets and students actively works at the Institute.

The Military Institute employs many doctors and candidates of sciences. All officers have practical experience of service in units on positions ranging from company commander to deputy brigade commander.

Research and development is also organized to solve burning military and technical problems, enhance education and training of military specialists, researchers and scholars. The subjects of research represent the main trend in R& D: methods and forms of training, combat employment, comprehensive support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The scientific school " Construction and Employment of the Surveillance Systems for Air and Ground Objects" headed by the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Educator of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Serhiy Anatoliyovych Zhukov, which has been operational since 1970, is the basic means for training researchers, scientists and educators at the Military Institute.

Postgraduate training of scientists and scholars has been available at the Military Institute since 2000 as part of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University Internal Postgraduate Courses. Many instructors conduct their research in other educational establishments.

Scientists, scholars, instructors, postgraduates, cadets, and students of the Military Institute take part in scientific conferences, seminars and olympiads, cooperate with the Military Scientific Society.

The Military Institute promotes the development of teachers' skills by educational and methodical training at the departments, independent research, attracting tutors and mentors for beginners, facilitating internal and external postgraduate studies, ensuring ample training conditions at academies, departments and other establishments of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.


4. s Answer the questions


1. What are the priorities of R& D at the Military Institute?

2. What do you know about scientific potential of the Military Institute?

3. What do you know about postgraduate training?

4. What outstanding scientists of the Military Institute do you know?

5. What is the military Scientific Society?


5. Complete the speech bubbles


1. Scientific and technical activity at the Institute is an ___________ of specialists training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

2. The scientists of the Institute make an ___________ to the development of national military science.

3. The priorities of ___________ are: military and technical problems, computer assisted research of methodological studies, ___________, military pedagogy and education.

4. All officers have practical experience of service in units on positions ranging from ___________ to deputy ___________.

5. Scientists, scholars, instructors, ___________, cadets, and students of the Military Institute take part in ___________, seminars and olympiads, cooperate with the Military Scientific Society.

6. Translate words and word combinations into Ukrainian


Integral part, scientists and scholars, postgraduate officers, D& D, military legislation, burning problems, surveillance system, scientific school, political science, cartography, radio-electronic devices and systems, postgraduate training.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 612. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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