Студопедия — Conflict Resolution
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Conflict Resolution

When we find ourselves in conflict with others over facts, goals, interests, values, actions, beliefs, assets, methods, or values we ask ourselves why we are so different and yet so similar at the same time. Recognizing these differences, and establishing boundaries, helps us refocus and realize that to solve any problem, we first need understanding.

Human beings are the most intelligent species on earth. We’re unique and wonderfully made. Look around and you will see diversity in age, race, color, gender, education, skills, communication style, nationality, ability and disability, income, religion, and personality. Because we are multi-dimensional, it’s not likely we’ll be successful in life without having a few conflicts with others.

We experience conflicts in business—with employees, clients, and colleagues—and in personal relationships. Conflict resolution, or “conflictology, ” is the process of attempting to resolve a dispute or a conflict. Successful conflict resolution requires listening to, and providing opportunities to meet, each side's needs, then adequately addressing each side’s interests so everyone is satisfied with the outcome.

Conflicts can arise from any number of sources, including:

– Interpersonal, emotional, group dynamics, or economic challenges

– Goal differences

– Values and ethics

– Communication barriers

– Cultural differences

– Personalities

– Parties being unwilling to negotiate

– Individuals being mean-spirited and/or unkind

– Lack of knowledge and understanding about a matter

– Disparity in skills and abilities

– Power imbalances

– Perceived or legitimate concerns that a party may not be adequately skilled to address

Conflict resolution aims to end conflicts before they start or before they lead to verbal, physical, or legal fighting. This is different from conflict management, in which conflict is used as a deliberate personal, social, or organizational tool. Though conflict management is the more common road, it is not popular with practitioners of conflict resolution; it is better to avoid the conflict at the start. As pioneering self-help author Napoleon Hill said: " The most important job is that of learning how to negotiate with others without friction."

3. Answer the questions:

Does conflictology mean conflict resolution?

What is the purpose of conflict resolution?

What is the purpose of conflict management?

Why do people conflict?

When do we get a successful conflict resolution?

What important lesson did Napoleon Hill teach us?

What advice will you or did you follow in your own conflict situation?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

challenge– граница

goal– способ

mean-spirited– самоусовершенствование

multi-dimensional– законный

deliberate– многомерный

boundarу– отсутствие

lack– вызов

disparity–различие, неравенство

legitimate– продуманный

concern– трение, разногласие

tool– цель

friction– отношение

self-help– подлый, мелочный

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 656. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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