Студопедия — Open the brackets using the Gerund
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Open the brackets using the Gerund


Model: His hair is very long, it needs cutting.

1. This shirt is quite clean; it doesn't want (wash) yet. 2. The grass in the garden is very dry; it wants (water) badly. 3. The baby's crying; I think he needs (feed). 4. The house is old, and it badly wants (paint). 5. The windows are very dirty; they need (clean). 6. I know my hair wants (cut) but I never have time to go to the hairdresser's. 7. The famous man didn't need (introduce) himself. 8. Her shoes have a hole in them; they want (mend). 9. The floor is covered with dust; it needs (sweep). 10. You should tidy the room. – Yes, it needs (tidy). The flowers want (water), and the shelves want (dust).


Open the brackets using the correct form of the Gerund


1. He remembered (cross) the road, but he didn't remember (knock down). 2. I am still hungry in spite of (eat) four sandwiches. 3. He got into the house by (climb) through a window, without (see) by anyone. 4. He woke up at 7 a.m. in spite of (work) late. 5. He complained of (give) a very small room at the back of the hotel. 6. The little girl isn't afraid of dogs in spite of (bite) twice. 7. The baby went to sleep a few minutes after (feed). 8. The little girl never gets tired of (ask) her mother questions, but her mother often gets tired of (ask) so many questions. 9. Mary was pleasantly surprised at (choose) to fill that vacancy. 10. I always treat people politely and I insist on (treat) politely. 11. The boy was very thirsty in spite of (drink) a big cup of tea.


Fill in the blanks choosing between the Infinitive or Gerund of the verb in brackets



1. I wished... quite fair (be). 2. I expected... him in the drawing room (find). 3. I enjoyed... to her talk of her youth (listen). 4. Roger promised... in (look). 5. UI wanted... him up (cheer). 6. She didn't mind... the problem again (discuss). 7. He didn't hesitate... such methods (employ). 8. We arranged... (meet). 9. She couldn't resist... such a lovely hat (buy). 10. Last week you mentioned... him in the park (meet). 11. We can't afford... our time (waste). 12. He sat there sullenly and refused... (answer). 13. He stopped... and went into the bathroom (whistle). 14. You certainly mustn't miss... this wonderful film (see).


1. He enjoyed... (to need). 2. Willy began... softly (to whistle). 3. In my experience most people mind... at (to laugh). 4. I don't suppose your wife wants... with me now (to bother). 5. I knew that Charles had regretted... me (to invite). 6. He pretended... when his mother came into his room to look at him (to sleep). 7. He pretended not... as if the compliment were purely formal (to hear). 8. He prefers... by the name of John Brown (to know). 9. I don't like... with (to interfere). 10. I set about... all the names from the diary (to erase). 11. Bob asked... to a room where he could wash and change his clothes (to show). 12. I disliked... Harry (to call). 13. We stopped in front of the dance hall and pretended... inside (to look). 14. Maurice sat on the bench, with the picture on his knee, as though he would not risk... from it (to part). 15. I didn't want... his feelings (to hurt).


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