Студопедия — Find Participle I and Participle II in the text. Translate sentences with them
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Find Participle I and Participle II in the text. Translate sentences with them


Exercise 5

Find in the text all the derivatives of the words belowand translate them into Russian:

to supervise, to explain, to decide, to organize, to constitute


Exercise 6

Find a word or a phrase in the text which is similar in the meaning to the following:

subjects, judicial body, court decision, level, court of 1st instance, obligatory, civil cases, interpretations


Exercise 7

Find a word or a phrase in the text which is opposite in the meaning to the following:

to comply with, unwritten, final(decision), minor (crime), the lowest court


Exercise 8

Say if these statements are true or false.

1. All the laws must comply with the Constitution.

2. In our country the principal source of law is precedent.

3. There are two main groups of courts in the Russian court system.

4. Justices of the peace form an integral part of the system of the Commercial Courts.

5. The Supreme Court of the RF issues interpretations on questions of court practice.

6. The decisions of the RF Constitutional Court are obligatory to all the courts of the Russian Federation.

Exercise 9

Choose the suitable word and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The Russian judicial system (consists, includes) of the Constitutional Court, the courts of the general jurisdiction, and the State commercial courts.

2. The Constitutional Court (interprets, adopts) the constitution and (resolves, solves) issues related to the compliance of laws and regulations with the constitution.

3. The courts of general jurisdiction (hear, listen) criminal cases and (resolve, review) civil and administrative disputes.

4. Disputes regarding business activity are (heard, governed) before the State Commercial courts.


Exercise 10

Match the courts of general jurisdiction and the cases they can try. Describe the functions of these courts.

name of the court cases
1. court of justices of the peace a. the majority of criminal and civil cases
2. district court b. civil, administrative, criminal, and other cases by way of supervision and for newly discovered circumstances
3. regional court c. military cases
4. Supreme court d. more serious crimes and civil matters + review of the lower court’s judgments
5. military courts e. small claims at the local level


Exercise 11

Fill in the box with the appropriate information from the text “The Russian Court System”

Part of the court system Competence of the court
courts of the general jurisdiction  
Commercial Courts  
the Russian Federation Constitutional Courts  


Exercise 12

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