Студопедия — B) Use some of the word combinations from the box and make 5 sentences to describe the trial procedure
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B) Use some of the word combinations from the box and make 5 sentences to describe the trial procedure


Exercise 6

a) Match the words or word-combinations to their explanations.

1. lawyers a. to have a legal right
2. to prove b. barristers or solicitors
3. parties c. to give evidence in court
4. to be entitled d. to establish the truth
5. to testify e. the information used in court to prove something
6. evidence f. legally acceptable
7. valid g. directions to a jury
8. instructions h. people involved in a litigation

B) Fill in the gaps with the words from exercise 6 a).

1. He could not …… against his own wife.

2. The …….. against him was purely circumstantial.

3. The court decision may not satisfy either……

4. Prosecution and defense …….are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.



What happens during the trial

Pre-reading task: Read the text and match the paragraphs with their headings.

1. Presentation of evidence

2. The instructions

3. Opening statements

4. Jury deliberation.

5. Closing arguments

The usual order of the events of the trial is the following:

Step 1. Selection of the jury.

Step 2. (1) ……….. The lawyers for each side discuss their views of the case and present a general picture of what they intend to prove about the case.

Step 3……(2)……... All parties are entitled to present evidence. The testimony of witnesses who testify at trial is evidence. Evidence may also take the form of physical exhibits, such as a gun or a photograph.

During the trial the lawyers may make objections to evidence presented by the other side or to questions asked by the other lawyer. If the objection is valid, the judge sustains the objection. If the objection is not valid, the judge overrules the objection. These rulings do not reflect the judge ’s opinion of the case.

The duty of the jury is to decide the importance of evidence or testimony allowed by the judge.

Step 4… (3)……….. The judge instructs the jury on the laws that are to guide the jury in their deliberations on a verdict.

Step 5……(4)………. The lawyers in the closing arguments summarize the case from their point of view. They discuss the evidence or comment on the credibility of the witnesses.

Step 6…(5)……… The jury retires to the jury room and elects the foreman. When a verdict has been reached, the foreman signs it and informs the bailiff. The jury returns to the courtroom and the foreman presents the verdict. The judge discharges the jury from the case and pronounces the sentence.


Exercise 7

Find the derivatives of these words in the text.

to defend, to prosecute, to deliberate, to object, to present, to select, credible

Exercise 8

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