Студопедия — Comparing stories. Compare this "black humour" story with Elizabeth Bowen's "The Demon Lover"
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Comparing stories. Compare this "black humour" story with Elizabeth Bowen's "The Demon Lover"


Compare this " black humour" story with Elizabeth Bowen's " The Demon Lover". Which of the stories do you prefer, and why? Which of the stories is more of a " horror story"? Your teacher may ask you to do this task as homework and discuss your comparisons in one of the next lessons.

Jean Rhys


Daughter of a Welsh doctor and a Creole mother, Jean Rhys was born in the West Indies in 1894, and she became well known for her short stories describing the bohemian world of Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. From 1939 to 1966 she published nothing. Then her novel " The Wide Sargasso Sea", set in the West Indies, brought new and unexpected fame to the 70-year-old.




Twelve o'clock. Dejeuner chez Jeanne Veron, Place Vendome. Anna, dressed in the black cotton, chemise-like garment[985] of the mannequin duty was trying to find her way along dark passages and down complicated flights of stairs to the underground from where lunch was served.

She was shivering, for she had forgotten her coat, and the garment that she was very short, sleeveless, displaying her rose-coloured stockings to the Her hair was flamingly and honestly red; her eyes, which were very gentle expression, brown and heavily shadowed with kohl[986]; her face small and pale its professional rouge. She was fragile, like a delicate child, her arms pathetically 10 thin. It was to her legs that she owed this dazzling, this incredible opportunity, Madame Veron, white-haired with black eyes, incredibly distinguished, who had given them one sweeping glance, the glance of the connoisseur, smiled imperiously and engaged her at an exceedingly small salary. As a beginner Madame explained, Anna could not expect more. She was to wear the jeune fille[987] dresses. Another smile, another sharp glance.

Anna was conducted from the Presence by an underling[988] who helped her take off the frock she had worn temporarily for the interview. Aspirants[989] for engagement are always dressed in a model of the house. She had spent yesterday afternoon in a delirium tempered[990] by a feeling exaggerated reality, and in buying the necessary make up. It had been such forlorn[991] hope, answering the advertisement.

The morning had been dreamlike. At the back of the sombreness[992]; the place, empty, would have been dingy[993] and melancholy, countless puzzling corridors and staircases, a rabbit warren[994] and a labyrinth. She despaired of ever her way.

In the mannequins' dressing-room she spent a shy hour making up her face in an extraordinary and distinctive atmosphere of slimness and beauty; white arms and faces vivid with rouge; raucous[995] voices and the smell of cosmetics; silken lingerie[996]. Coldly critical glances were bestowed[997] upon Anna'a reflection in the glass. None of them looked at her directly... A dressing room, taken by itself, bare and cold, a very inadequate conservatory for these human flowers. Saleswomen in black rushed in and out, talking in sharp voices; a very old woman hovered[998], helpful and shapeless, showing Anna where to hang her clothes, presenting to her the black garment that Anna was wearing, going to lunch. She smiled with professional motherliness, her little, sharp, black eyes travelling rapidly from la nouvelle's[999] hair to her ankles and back again. She was Madame Pecard, the dresser.

Before Anna had spoken a word she was called away by a small boy in buttons[1000] to her destination in one of the salons: there, under the eye of a vendeuse[1001], she I had to learn the way to wear the innocent and springlike air and garb[1002] of the jeune fille. Behind a yellow, silken screen she was hustled[1003] into a leather coat and paraded under the cold eyes of an American buyer. This was the week when the spring models are shown to important people from big shops all over Europe and America: the most critical week of the season... The American buyer said that he would have that, but with an inch on to the collar and larger cuffs[1004]. In vain the saleswoman, in her best English with its odd Chicago accent, protested that that would completely ruin the chic of the model. The American buyer knew what he wanted and saw that he got it.

The vendeuse sighed, but there was a note of admiration in her voice. She respected Americans: they were not like the English who, under a surface of annoying moroseness[1005] of manner, were notoriously timid and easy to turn round your finger.

'Was that all right? ' Behind the screen one of the saleswoman smiled encouragingly and nodded. The other shrugged[1006] her shoulders. She had small, close-set eyes, a long thin nose and tight lips of the regulation puce[1007] colour. Behind her silken screen Anna sat on a high white stool. She felt that she appeared charming and troubled. The white and gold of the salon suited her red hair.

A short morning. For the mannwquin's day begins at ten and the processof making up lasts an hour. The friendly saleswoman volunteered[1008] the information that her name was Jeannine, that she was in the lingerie, that she considered Anna rudement jolie[1009], that noon was Anna's lunch hour. She must go down the corridor and up those stairs, through the big salon then... Anyone would tell her. But Anna, lost in the labyrinth, was too shy to ask her way. Besides, she was not sorry to have time to brace herself for the ordeal. She had reached the regions of utility[1010] and oilcloth: the decorative salons were far overhead.

Then the smell of food - almost visible, it was so cloudlike and heavy – came to her nostrils, and high-noted[1011], and sibilant[1012], a buzz of conversation made her: draw a deep breath. She pushed a door open. She was in a big, very low ceilinged room, all the floor space occupied by long wooden tables with no cloths... She was sitting at the mannequins' table, gazing at a thick and hideous[1013] white china plate, a twisted tin fork, a wooden- handled stained knife, a tumbler[1014] so thick it seemed unbreakable. There were twelve mannequins at Jeanne Veron's: six of them were lunching, the others still paraded, goddesslike, till their turn came for rest and refreshment. Each of the twelve was a distinct and separate type: each of the twelve knew her type and kept to it, practising rigidly in clothing, manner, voice and conversation. Round the austere[1015] table were now seated Babette, the gamine[1016], the traditional blonde enfant[1017]: Mona, tall and darkly beautiful, the femme fatale[1018], the wearer of sumptuous evening gowns. Georgette was the garconne[1019]: 'Simone with green eyes Anna knew instantly for a cat whom men would and; did adore, a sleek white, purring[1020], long-lashed[1021] creature... Eliane was the star of the collection.

Eliane was frankly ugly and it did not matter: no doubt Lilith[1022], from whom she was obviously descended, had been ugly too. Her hair was henna-tinted, her eyes small and black, her complexion bad under her thick make-up. Her hips were extraordinarily slim, her hands and feet exquisite, every movement she made was as graceful as a flower's in the wind. Her walk... But it was her walk which made her the star there and earned her a salary quite fabulous for Madame Veron's, where large salaries were not the rule... Her walk and her 'chic of the devil' which lit an expression of admiration in even the cold eyes of American buyers.

Eliane was a quiet girl, pleasant-mannered. She wore a ring with a beautiful emerald on one long, slim finger, and in her small eyes were both intelligence and mystery.

Madame Pecard, the dresser, was seated at the head of the mannequins' table, talking loudly, unlistened to, and gazing benevolently at her flock.

At other tables sat the sewing girls, pale-faced, black-frocked – the workers heroically gay[1023], but with the stamp of labour on them: and the saleswomen.

The mannequins, with their sensual, blatant[1024] charms and their painted faces were watched covertly[1025], envied and apart.

Babette the blonde enfant was next to Anna, and having started the conversation with a few good, round oaths[1026] at the quality of the sardines, announced proudly that she could speak English and knew London very well.

She began to tell Anna the history of her adventures in the city of coldness, dark and fogs... She had gone to a job as a mannequin in Bond Street and the villainous[1027] proprietor[1028] of the shop having tried to make love to her and she being rigidly virtuous, she had left. And another job, Anna must figure to herself, had been impossible to get, for she, Babette, was too small and slim for the Anglo-Saxon idea of a mannequin.

She stopped to shout in a loud voice to the woman who was serving: 'He, my old one, don't forget your little Babette...'

Opposite, Simone the cat and the sportive Georgette were having a low- voiced conversation about the tristeness[1029] of a monsieur[1030] of their acquaintance. 'I said to him, ' Georgette finished decisively, 'nothing to be done, my rabbit. You have not looked at me well, little one. In my place would you not have done the same? '

She broke off when she realized that the others were listening, and smiled in a friendly way at Anna. She too, it appeared, had ambitions to go to London because the salaries were so much better there. Was it difficult? Did they really like French girls? Parisiennes?

The conservation became general.

'The English boys are nice, ' said Babette, winking one divinely candid eye. 'I had a chic type who used to take me to dinner at the Empire Palace. Oh, a pretty boy...'

'It is the most chic restaurant in London, ' she added importantly.

The meal reached the stage of dessert. The other tables were gradually emptying; the mannequins all ordered very strong coffee, several liqueur[1031]".

Only Mona and Eliane remained silent; Eliane, because she was thinking of something else; Mona, because it was her type, her genre to be haughty[1032]. Her hair swept away from her white, narrow forehead and her small ears: her long earrings nearly touching her shoulders, she sipped her coffee with a disdainful[1033] air. Only once, when the blonde enfant, having engaged in a passage of arms[1034] with the waitress and got the worst of it was momentarily discomfited[1035] and silent, Mona narrowed her eyes and smiled an astonishingly cruel smile. As soon as her coffee was drunk she got up and went out. Anna produced a cigarette, and Georgette, perceiving instantly that here was the sportive touch, her genre[1036], asked for one and lit it with a devil-may-care[1037] air. Anna eagerly passed her cigarettes round, but the Mere Pecard interfered weightily. It was against the rules of the house for the mannequins to smoke, she wheezed[1038]. The girls all lit their cigarettes and smoked. The Mere Pecard rumbled on: 'A caprice[1039], my children.

All the world knows that mannequins are capricious. Is it not so? ' She appealed to the rest of the room. As they went out Babette put her arm round Anna's waist and whispered: 'Don't answer Madame Pecard. We don't like her. We never talk to her. She spies on us. She is a camel.'[1040]

That afternoon Anna stood for an hour to have a dress draped[1041] on her. She showed this dress to a stout[1042] Dutch lady buying for the Hague, to a beautiful South American with pearls, to a silver-haired American gentleman who wanted an evening cape for his daughter of seventeen, and to a hook-nosed, odd English lady of title[1043] who had a loud voice and dressed, under her furs, in a grey jersey and stout boots.

The American gentleman approved of Anna, and said so, and Anna gave him a passionately grateful glance. For, if the vendeuse Jeannine had been uniformly kind and encouraging, the other, Madame Tienne, had been as uniformly disapproving and had once even pinched her arm hard. About five o'clock Anna became exhausted. The four white and gold walls seemed to close in on her. She sat on her high white stool staring at a marvellous nightgown and fighting an intense desire to rush away. Anywhere! Just to dress and rush away anywhere, from the raking[1044] eyes of the customers and the pinching fingers of Irene. 'I will one day. I can't stick it, ' she said to herself. 'I won't be able to stick it.' She had an absurd wish to gasp for air. Jeannine came and found her like that.

'It is hard at first, hein? [1045]... One asks oneself: Why? For what good? It is all idiot[1046]. We are all so. But we go on. Do not worry about Irene.' She whispered: 'Madame Veron likes you very much. I heard her say so.' At six o'clock Anna was out in the rue de la Paix; her fatigue[1047] forgotten, the feeling that now she really belonged to the great, maddening city possessed her and she was happy in her beautifully cut tailor-made[1048] and beret[1049]. Georgette passed her and smiled; Babette was in a fur coat.

All up the street the mannequins were coming out of the shops, pausing on the pavements a moment, making them as gay and as beautiful as beds of flowers before they walked swiftly away and the Paris night swallowed them up.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 615. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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