Студопедия — Exercise 2. Read the definitions of the words. Translate and memorize them. - to accomplish – to succeed in doing something, finish successfully, achieve;
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Exercise 2. Read the definitions of the words. Translate and memorize them. - to accomplish – to succeed in doing something, finish successfully, achieve;

- to accomplish – to succeed in doing something, finish successfully, achieve;


- to admit – 1) to agree to the truth; 2) to permit to enter, let in; 3) to leave a chance for being possible, allow;


- to aid – to give support to, help;


- air - 1) the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and which we breathe with; 2) the sky or the space above the ground; 3) the general character or appearance of, or feeling caused by, a person or place; 4) that part of piece of music that is easily recognized and remembered, the tune;

to air – 1) to become dry; 2) to become fresh by letting in air, to ventilate; 3) to make known to others, often in an unwelcome way; 4) to broadcast on the radio and television;

to be on/off air – broadcasting/not broadcasting;

in the air – 1) being passed on from one person to another; 2) not fully planned or settled, uncertain;

clear the air – to remove doubt and bad feeling by honest explanation;


- to apply – 1) to request something, especially officially and in writing; 2) to put or spread on the surface; 3) to bring or put into use or operation;


- to avoid – to keep away or refrain from; prevent from doing or happening;


- to be aware – to have knowledge or understanding;


- back draft (draught, Am.E.) – a phenomenon in which a fire that has consumed all available oxygen suddenly explodes when more oxygen is made available;


- caution – care taken to avoid danger or mistakes; warning;


- chimney – a hollow passage often rising above the roof of a building which allows smoke and gases to pass from a fire;


- to confine – 1) to keep within limits, restrict; 2) to shut or keep in a small or enclosed space;


- conscious – 1) having all one’s senses working and able to understand what is happening; 2) knowing, understanding or recognizing something, aware;


- to create – to cause something new to exist, produce;


- definite – clearly known, seen, stated; without any uncertainty;


- to enable – 1) to make able, give the power, means, right to do something; 2) to make possible;


- to endanger – to cause danger to;


- to enhance – to increase in strength or amount;


- to expedite – to make a plan or arrangement go faster;


- to explode – 1) to blow up or burst; 2) to show sudden violent and noisy feeling;


- force – 1) natural or physical power; active strength; 2) fierce or uncontrolled use of strength, violence; 3) a group of people brought or trained together for some kind of action, especially military;

to force – 1) to make somebody do something; 2) to use physical power; 3) to produce with difficulty or by unwilling effort;


- to fulfill – 1) to obey, carry out an order, conditions; 2) to do or perform; 3) to supply or satisfy a need, demand, purpose;


- to hinder – to stop or delay the advance or development; prevent; obstruct;


- inferno – a place of very great heat and large uncontrollable flames;


- lateral – a side part of something;


- to mushroom – 1) to increase or develop rapidly; 2) to form a shape resembling that of a mushroom;


- objective – 1) an aim, especially one that must be worked towards over a long period; 2) existing outside the mind, real; not influenced by personal feelings or opinions;


- obstacle – something that prevents action, movement or success;


- overhaul – a thorough examination and repair if necessary;


- to proceed – 1) to begin or continue in a course of action; 2) to advance, move in particular direction;


- proper – right, suitable, correct;


- to reach – 1) to arrive at, to get to; 2) to stretch out a hand or arm for some purpose; 3) to contact, get in touch with;


- salvage – the act or process of saving something from destruction;

- to simplify – to make plainer, easier, less full of detail;


- to suit – 1) to satisfy or please; 2) to match or look good on someone; to have the right qualities or be of the right kind for.


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