Студопедия — Extend the following sentences according to the model
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Extend the following sentences according to the model

4. Write a spelling-translation test: a) translate the phrases into English; b) check them with the key.

5. Listen to the text " Chaplin" or the story of another famous actor. Pick out the main points from each paragraph, write a summary of the text In not more than 10 sentences. Discuss the text in class.



The centre of theatrical activity in Britain is London. There are about 50 principal theatres in professional use[78] in or near the West End and some 20 in the suburbs.

Most of these are let to producing managements on a commercial basis[79] but some of them are permanently occu­pied by subsidised companies, such as the National Theatre which stages classical and modern plays in its complex of three theatres on the South Bank of the River Thames. The former Old Vic Company, which was Britain's major theatri­cal touring company, has now taken up residence in the Na­tional Theatre, changing its name to the National Theatre Company. In addition the Royal Shakespeare Company pre­sents Shakespearean plays at Stradford-upon-Avon and a mixed repertoire in London.

Outside London there are many non-repertory theatres which present all kinds of drama and also put on variety shows and other entertainments. Recently there has been a growth in the activity of repertory companies which receive financial support from the Arts Council and the local authori­ties. These companies employ leading producers, designers and actors, and the standard of productions is generally high. Some companies have their own theatres, while others rent from the local authorities.

Music of all kinds — " pop" music, folk music, jazz, light music and brass bands — is an important part of British cul­tural life. The large audiences at orchestral concerts and at performances of opera, ballet and chamber music reflect the widespread interest in classical music.

The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London, which receives financial assistance from the Arts Council, gives regular seasons of opera and ballet. It has its own orchestra which plays for the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet. Both companies have a high international reputation. The English National Opera which performs in the London Coliseum gives seasons of opera and operetta in English. It also tours the provinces.

In 1998 the Government announced the formation of the Young Music Trust to develop the musical skills of the young with some money from the National Lottery, and do­nations from music charities and companies involved in mu­sic business. The national youth orchestras of Great Britain have established high standards.

There are several thousand amateur dramatic societies in Britain. Most universities have thriving amateur drama clubs and societies. Every year an International Festival of Univer­sity Theatre is held.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 902. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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