Студопедия — Lesson 5. Project-Presentation
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Lesson 5. Project-Presentation

I. Choose one company in the market of your country and give presentation of its structure to your colleagues. Define your business structure in the executive summary. Your organizational summary should include an organizational chart, showing each person in the organization. In the narrative you detail the responsibilities of each person. You should include:

• Names of the owners

• Percentage of ownership

• Extent of involvement in the company

List all the other employees of the company, the positions they hold and their responsibility. If you have multiple locations, show the structure. Where is the corporate office located?

II. Create your own company. You are going to develop a business plan. The business plan must be well organized, be easy to read, and follow a logical format. The sample format for a business plan has seven parts:

· Company Description

Pick a name that describes your business and consumers will remember. Explain the type of company and give its history. Tell what industry the company will represent. (Is it a manufacturing, retail, service, or other type of business?) Decide a location and city.

· Marketing Plan

Show who the potential customers are and what kind of competition the business will face. (Who is the target market? The target market is based upon age, gender, income, and location, just to name a few. Investigate competitors in your chosen area; try the yellow pages of yahoo.com and search the product or service.)

Outline the marketing strategy and specify what makes the company unique. (How will you advertise your product or service? How do your competitors advertise?)

· Products and Services Plan

Describe the product and/or service. (Describe the product in detail, such as the color(s), size, etc. Describe the type of service.)

Point out any unique features. (Is the product or service new or improved?)

Explain why people will buy the product or service. (For example, the motivation to buy is based on personal gain, economy, health, comfort and convenience, safety and protection, affection and love, prestige and recognition, and variety and recreation?)

· Legal Plan

Show the proposed type of legal organization the ownership will take. (Will the company be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation?)

· Management Plan

Identify the key people who will direct and manage the company. (Will you choose your family or friends? Will you do the hiring yourself?)

Cite their work experience, education, and special skills. (What are the strengths of your workers? Remember to consider communication skills.)

III. Do you think people from certain cultures would favour one kind of organizational structure over another? Choose a country and analyze its companies.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 611. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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