Студопедия — Word combinations
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Word combinations

green tea

to transform smth. into smth.

to take smth. seriously

to be covered in pencil marks

to hold (smth.) together

to occur to smb.

to put aside

to consist of smth.

to swap jokes (stories, songs)

to have much in common

to have (no) trouble with

to stone smb. to death



I. Comprehension. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the reaction of people to “culinary concerts”?

2. What country does the culinary concert Patatboem come from? What does the performance consist of?

3. What is a kitchen compared to in the article?

4. What is Peter de Bie’s attitude to his work?

5. How many cooking shows are opening in London?

6. What idea was taken as a principle of Soans’s project? What does Soans’s play involve?

7. Do the audience at Soans’s shows taste the food cooked on stage?

8. What dish is considered a special treat in Eritrea?

9. What are Renny O’Shea’s food preferences?

10. What does the name of the show EatEat come from? How many people take part in it?

11. What does the show EatEat consist of? Is this kind of performance easy to choreograph?

12. What is the name of Nessim Zohar’s show? How many people take part in it?

13. What interactive element does Zohar use in his show? How did this idea come to him?


II. Vocabulary. Find the words in the text that mean:

1. a Japanese alcoholic drink made from rice

2. a small sharp-tasting plant with green leaves used in salads

3. moving round

4. quarrelling and blaming one another

5. a long thin dark-green vegetable, a type of small marrow

6. a dish of small pieces of meat and vegetables cooked on a stick

7. people who escape from their own country for political, religious or economic reasons or because of war

8. people who leave their country for political reasons and apply for protection given by another country

9. people who come to a different country in order to live there permanently

10. a violent noisy protest


III. Vocabulary. Choose the most appropriate explanation for the following words:


a. shining with weak light

b. happy and pleased

c. gloomy and unsatisfied


a. slightly confused

b. loud and uncontrolled

c. pleasant


a. smooth and shiny

b. pale and transparent

c. unpleasant and shocking


a. dark and dirty

b. extremely unpleasant

c. clean and limpid


a. a profession one gets in the course of education

b. a particularly fine product

c. a peculiarity


a. very small

b. extremely large

c. rather rude


a. causing worry and anxiety

b. involving risk

c. making sad and unhappy


a. disapproving

b. spoilt

c. unsuccessful


IV. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and expressions:

  1. мутный настой
  2. мята
  3. посуда
  4. горячая еда
  5. съедобный
  6. кресс-салат
  7. кулинарное варьете
  8. кулинарная книга
  9. рецепт
  10. блюдо
  11. фаршированные кабачки
  12. подали ей цыплёнка
  13. угощение
  14. вкусный
  15. мальва
  16. помойное ведро


V. Discussion. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your attitude to culinary concerts? Have you ever visited shows like that? Would you like to take part in a food show?

2. Do you think you’ll be willing to taste anything they serve at culinary shows? If not, what can prevent you from tasting the food?

3. Do you believe this kind of shows can help examine cultural differences and understand what people from different countries have in common?

4. What do you know about food traditions of other countries?


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 737. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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