Студопедия — Each other one another
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Each other one another


Study the difference between - selves and each other/one another:

Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves. (= Tom looked at Tom and Ann looked at Ann)


Tom looked at Ann; Ann looked at Tom. They looked at each other.

Tom, Ann and Nick looked at one another. (more than 2 people)


Sometimes it’s said you can use one another instead of each other.

How long have you and Bill known one another? (or known each other.)

Sue and Ann don't like each other, (or don't like one another.)


Ex. 1. Insert each other, one another.

1. They can't help themselves, they love.... 2. The place is full of crazy people who talk to... all the time and ignore everybody else. 3. They have known... for years and years. 4. The members of this club meet regularly in...'s homes. 5. She and John looked at.... 6. He began opening bottles,... after.... 7. We know...’s minds very well. 8. All the children kept silent. They didn't dare to look at....
9. She found... excuse after... to postpone the meeting. 10. We'll get there... way or.... 11. He ate... sweet after... till the box was empty. 12. They hate being apart. They phone... every day. 13. The business failed because the partners distrusted....

Both/both of, neither/neither of, either/either of

We use both/neither/either for two things. You can use these words with a noun (both books, neither book, etc.).

For example, you are talking about going out to eat this evening. There are two restaurants where you can go.

You say: Both restaurants are very good, (not the both restaurants.) Neither restaurant is expensive. We can go to either restaurant. I don't mind, (either = one or the others, it doesn't matter which one.)

Ø Both, either, neither are used when we are talking about two things. After either, neither a singular or a plural verb is possible.

Neither of the children wants (or want) to go to bed.

Both the girls speak French. Neither of them speaks English.

Ø None is used when talking about more than two things, persons or events. After none the verb can be used both in the singular and in the plural forms. A plural verb is more usual.

None of my friends are keen on football.

Both of... / neither of... / either of....

When you use both/neither/either/+ of, you always need the/these/those/my/your/his/Tom's.., etc. You cannot say " both of restaurants". You have to say " both of the restaurants", " both of those restaurants" etc.

Both of these restaurants are very good.

Neither of the restaurants we went to was (or were) expensive.

I haven't been in either of those restaurants.

It is possible to say:

Both my parents are from London or both of my parents.


You can use both of / neither of / either of +us/you/them (talking to two people).

Can either of you speak English?

I asked two people the way to the station but neither of them knew.

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