Студопедия — Ex. 2. Write the sentences, choosing one of the modals
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Ex. 2. Write the sentences, choosing one of the modals

1. We are leaving tonight, so you (should/must) buy a ticket for the flight.

2. (May/Might) I come in?

3. David (can/could) cook well when he wants to.

4. 'Do you think it (can/might) rain? ' 'Yes, possibly. We don't want to get wet so I think we (should/must) take our raincoats.'

5. Jenny tried to carry him but she (can't/couldn't).

6. We (can/might) visit my cousin in Australia next year but we don't know yet.

7. In many countries, you (should/must) wear a seat belt in the car - it's the law.

8. (Can/May) you hold this for me, please?

9. I know they enjoy their work but they (shouldn't/'mustn't) work at the weekends. It's not good for them. I think they (should/must) spend time at home with their families.

10. The letter (can/may) arrive tomorrow.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with can, could, may, might, should or must in the positive or negative:

1. Richard's only three but he …….. swim very well.

2. You've had that headache for two days. I think you …….. go to the doctor.

3. I don't think we …….. go to the beach because it rains this afternoon.

4. I lived in Germany as a child so I …….. speak German then but I …….. speak it now.

5. You …….. remember to take your passport tomorrow.

6. …….. you close the door, please?

7. We …….. move house next year but we're not sure yet.

8. Passengers …….. smoke when the plane is taking off.

9. I think you …….. play tennis with Sally. She play really well.

10. “Do you think I …….. learn some Portuguese before I go to Brazil? ” – “Yes, that would be a good idea.”

11. We …….. remember to pay this bill before the weekend. It’s very important. If we don't, we'll have no electricity.

12. I know you like sugar but you …….. eat quite so much. It's bad for you.

13. I'll be at work on Saturday so I'm afraid I …….. come to the football match with you.

14. I was listening very carefully but I …….. hear what she said.

15. They don't like living in the countryside. I think they …….. move back to the city but they don't agree.

Ex. 4. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences:

1. She (won't/wouldn't) have all these problems if she was more efficient.

2. If it (rains/rained), we'll go by bus.

3. Where (will/would) you live if you could choose?

4. The boss always (gets/got) angry if people are late for work.

5. Mary (can't/'couldn't) speak English when I first met her.

6. You look tired. You (might/should) go to bed.

7. (Must/Can) you close the door, please?

8. I think it (can/may) rain tomorrow.

9. Our car broke down so we (had to/must) take a taxi.

10. You (don't have to/mustn't) tell anyone. It's a secret!

Ex. 5. Supply the modals or their equivalents:

1. There were so many questions he … not answer.

2. … I ask a few minutes private conversation with him?

3. “I am afraid I … be going now”, he said.

4. Her English is very poor, she … study very hard.

5. They … know how to divide their time between studies and rest.

6. I … write my test. It proved to be too difficult.

7. We … not leave class without permission.

8. The students … settle that question at the conference last week.

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