Студопедия — Subject question
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Subject question

Who helped you with the test? — Brian did.
What happened last night? — Nothing special.
Who was at the conference? — All my colleagues.
What was strange? — His behaviour and appearance.


Exercise 43. Ask questions about the information in italics.

Example: Bobby played golf yesterday. — What did Bobby do yesterday?

6. My parents were on holiday in Greece in June.

  1. It took Clare an hour to pack her travelling bag.
  2. Charlotte Hughes (the second oldest person in the world) didn’t marry until sixty-three.
  3. Alexander Bell started his first telephone company on August 2nd 1877.
  4. Martin worked the whole summer. The job was tiring but he earned a lot of money.

Exercise 44. Ask subject or object questions. Give short answers to subject questions.

Example: We waited for him at the door. — Who waited for him at the door? — We did.

— Who did you wait for at the door?

6. We listened to the news at breakfast.

  1. Anthony talked to his girlfriend on the phone all evening.
  2. Fred’s sister married a famous actor.
  3. They bought a present for us.
  4. I reported the accident to the police.

The Future Simple Tense

The Future Simple Tense is used:

  • for a statement of a future fact

The journey will take six hours.

These expressions are usually used with the Future Simple Tense:

tomorrow (morning / afternoon / evening)

The day after tomorrow

In (the near) future


One of these days

in a few minutes / in a moment / in a week / in five months time / in a week’s time, etc.

  • to predict the future

In the future, machines will do many of the jobs that people do now.

  • for a sudden decision made at the time of speaking

Wait a minute — I’ll open the door.

  • to show willingness to do or not to do something in the future

I promise I’ll give up smoking.

I’ll never speak to her again.

Positive form

I You He/She/It We You They will (‘ll) stay here tonight.

NOTE: a) will is used with all persons (I, you, he, they, etc.).

b) shall is used instead of will with I or we, but in everyday speech, will is more common.

c) in spoken English ‘ll is used with subject pronouns.

He’ll be there in time.

BUT: John will be there in time.

Exercise 45. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Tense. Use contraction (‘ll) where possible.

Example: I think I (be) in Liverpool next week. — I think I ’ll be in Liverpool next week.

Fiona (be) 20 in March. — Fiona will be 20 in March.

1. They (arrive) home before midnight tonight.

  1. The company (give) you an extra day’s holiday.
  2. “Would you like something to drink? ” — “Oh, thank you. I (have) some apple juice.”
  3. I think the trip (be) rather exciting.
  4. Alma (phone) after 3 o’clock.
  5. Bill looks tired, I think he (go) to bed early tonight.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 540. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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