Студопедия — Б. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, учитывая смысловые связи между компонентами словосочетаний.
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Б. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, учитывая смысловые связи между компонентами словосочетаний.

colourful holiday photographs, a central London hotel, a golf club scandal, a 15-minute coffee break, a wonderful hand-made dining room carpet, high income tax, third-year students, the World Swimming Championship, an expensive video cassette recorder, a tedious day-to-day work

Задание 6. Выберите вариант перевода следующих словосочетаний.

1. food and luxury items

a) роскошные предметы и питание

б) продукты питания и предметы роскоши

2. space research laboratories

а) лаборатории космических исследований

б) лабораторные исследования в космосе

3. required manufacturing facilities

а) необходимое производство оборудования

б) необходимое производственное оборудование

4. an original, well-known waste disposal method

а) оригинальный, хорошо известный метод ликвидации отходов

б) оригинальный метод ликвидации хорошо известных отходов

Задание 7. Выделите в тексте многокомпонентные словосочетания. Переведите их на русский язык.

By 1987 the computer market on American college campuses was thriving. Sales people from all the personal computer companies were actively pursuing the business of college administrators, professors and officials. They were selling computers less than half price and were adding attractive bonuses such as free software and support services. They were willing to venture a great deal of time and money in this market because they foresaw that it would thrive for a long time. There are 14 million people who provide or receive education on campuses, including 12.5 million new freshmen every year. Students who also buy computers are likely to become lifetime customers who may enter business after graduation and influence corporate buying decisions.

Задание 8. Переведите следующие свободные атрибутивные словосочетания, учитывая смысловую связь между компонентами.

Berlin proposals, dollar export drive, heavy government expenditure, aggressive supporter, pre-war slump talk, Middle East Conference, the nation’s highest homicide rate, safety viola­tions, environmentalist protest, environmental consequences, provincial government decision.

Задание 9. Переведите следующие свободные и связанные словосочетания.

hearty eater, practical joker, conscientious objector, sleeping partner, stumbling block, smoking concert, perfect likeness, tough customer, consumer goods industries, public school boy, population explosion, muck-raker, grass-roots candidate, tax loop-holes, pork barrel, cut-throat competition, phony story, wild-cat strike, gossip columnist, little old ladies in tennis shoes, shopping-bag ladies, media biggies, dollar gap, old-boy network, nine-to-fiver

Задание 10. Выделите в предложениях многочленные атрибутивные группы и переведите их в составе следующих предложений.

1. The American Labour Party Political Action Committee Election Planning Board launched a new fund-raising drive. 2. The actors will appear in the soon-to-be-released film. 3. The preoccupation with selling papers against fierce competition leads to the American practice of an edition every thirty minutes. This mania for speed, plus the man-bites-dog news formula, works to corrupt and discourage the men who handle news. 4. Fitch kept a hats-cleaned-by-electricity-while-you-wait establishment, nine feet by twelve, in Third Avenue. 5. He was being the boss again, using the it’s-my-money-now-do-as-you’ve-told voice.

Задание 11. Письменно переведите следующий текст на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на атрибутивные словосочетания.


In the USA private radio and TV serve the purpose of official US propaganda often presented under the guise of entertainment. As it is well-known, the press, radio and television share a common material basis. Acting as the owners of radio and TV commercial stations are the same capitalists in whose hands are also newspaper syndicates and single papers. In their activity both the general press and radio press also depend on giant news agencies and syndicates.

In the US radio broadcasting as an enterprise is operating on commercial principles. The first commercial radio station was set up in 1920 in Pittsburg.

Millions of Americans today get their news almost exclusively from television and radio, especially those who listen to radio stations broadcasting the news for large urban centres and operating 24 hours a day.

There is no doubt that television has become the most unique and the most important medium in the United States. This view is shared not only by advertisers (irrespective of the fact that the larger portion of the advertising dollar still goes to the print media) but also by pollsters (Americans are said to trust more television news than newspaper reports).

There are now, as have been for many years, three major TV and radio networks in the US. Each network owns and operates 15 stations. In addition, there are 700 so-called “independent” stations and over 6,000 commercial radio stations, in other words, a total of more than 7,000 commercial broadcasting outlets operate daily.

Many of the “independents” are affiliated with larger groups like Metromedia and Westinghouse group. All of their owners are licensed by the Federal Commission of Communication for a term of three years. In addition, the FCC grants licenses to operate individual transmitters such as marine, police, fire, industrial transmitters and so on.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 798. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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