Студопедия — Test 16
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Test 16

1. The passengers were tired because they... all night.

a) didn't sleep c) don't sleep

b) hadn't slept d) won't sleep

2. Where is your umbrella? - Oh, it seems to me I... it on the bus.

a) left c) had left

b) have left d) will leave

3. Bill said that he... the tickets for the performance the day before.

a) had bought c) was buying

b) bought d) would buy

4. She said she didn't know where her friend....

a) is c) has been

b) was d) will be

5. When we reached the theatre, there... any tickets left.

a) wasn't c) hadn't been

b) were not d) aren't

6. When I finally found the house and knocked at the door, I... no answer.

a) heard c) didn't hear

b) have heard d) won't hear

7.1 don't know where Susan is. Maybe she... in the garden reading a book.

a) sits c) was sitting

b) is sitting d) will be sitting

8. My brother... when I use his computer without asking.

a) doesn't like c) don't like

b) didn't like d) like

9. You can have the book on Monday. I... it by that time.

a) read c) will be reading

b) will read d) will have read

10. Unless we leave now, the film will have started when we... there.

a) get c) would get

b) will get d) got

11. When we... home last night we saw a lot of stars twinkling in the sky.

a) drove c) are driving

b) drive d) were driving

12. Many species of animals are threatened, and... easily become extinct if people do not make an effort to protect them.

a) can c) might

b) must d) have to

13. Last week we... write an essay about the causes of the French Revolution.

a) must c) may

b) could d) had to

14.1 think the film was terrible! It was... film I have ever seen.

a) terrible c) most terrible

b) more terrible d) the most terrible

15. Nobody in our group knows... about England than Peter does.

a) much c) most

b) more d) the most

16. My mother wants me to play... piano, but I want to buy a guitar.

a) the c) -

b) a d) mine

17. I had... wonderful dream last night. I wish it would come true.

a) a c) -

b) the d) such

18. They say that in future the officials will demand a fine if... breaks the law.

a) everyone c) someone

b) everybody d) all

19. When we arrived... the station, we ate a sandwich, drank a cup of coffee and waited for the train.

a)to c)in

b) at d) for

20. If the weather is fine tomorrow, I'll go... a cycle ride.

a) at c) by

b) on d) for

Test 17

I'm sure I... the door of my house.

a) lock c) have locked

b) locked d) had locked

The inspector suspects that the thief... a special key for opening this safe.

a) will use c) had used

b) has used d) use

3. When are you going to finish this translation? - I... it by tomorrow.

a) will finish c) will have finished

b) will be finishing d) would finish

4. Have you heard the news? I... my last exam yesterday.

a) passed c) had passed

b) have passed d) was passing

5. He says that he doesn't know where he... after graduating from university.

a) work c) had worked

b) will work d) would work

6. When you... older, you will understand everything.

a) grow c) will grow

b) grows d) have grown

7. As a rule the most important news... broadcast on this channel.

a) are c) is

b) were d) had been

8. There... hardly any furniture in his room. He hasn't even a chair to sit on.

a) is c) were '

b) are d) have been

9. The rich collection of Hermitage regularly... millions of people.

a) attract c) have attracted

b) attracts d) would attract

10. When my mother returns home she... at once that we have redecorated our flat.

a) will see c) has seen

b)sees d)saw

11. He... the car for many hours before he came to the crossroads.

a) drives c) had been driving

b) was driving d) has driven

12. We... along the forest road when it started raining.

a) were walking c) walked

b) had been walking d) had walked

13. Sorry, I... stay any longer, but I really must go home.

a) mustn't c) cannot

b) couldn't d) may not

14. This is... problem I've ever had in my life.

a) difficult c) most difficult

b) more difficult d) the most difficult

15. When... "Titanic" was crossing the Atlantic she struck an iceberg.

a) - c) the

b) a d) an

16. The weather is fine today, but I don't like... hot weather.

a) - с) а

b)the d) an

17. Some women tint their hair when... goes grey.

a) they c) its

b) it d) them

18. Your news... very important to us.

a) are c) aren't

b) is d) were

19.1 think it's important... young people to get a good education.

a) for c) about

b) by d) among

20. They left... Moscow some years ago and live there now.

a) to c) for

b) in d) at

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