Студопедия — Заполните пропуски глаголом to be.
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Заполните пропуски глаголом to be.

1. They ___ my good friends.

2. He ___ a soldier.

3. You ___ taller than Charlie.

4. She ___ ill.

5. We ___ very hungry.

6. John´s dog ___ very friendly.

7. Robert ___ ten years old.

8. These flowers ___ very pretty.

9. The two schools ___ close to each other.

10. Math ___ not a very difficult subject.

11. ___ dinner ready?

12. This computer ___ very easy to use.

13. All the windows ___ open.

14. Sue and Jane ___ neighbours.

15. His hair ___ curly.

4. Составьте текст «About myself»(«Обо мне») объемом не менее 30 предложений на английском языке (см. самостоятельную работу № 4).


Вариант 2

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Не hasn't got... car. But he's got... comput­er.... computer is new. 2. My... friends have got... cat and... dog.... dog never bites... cat. 3. This is... tree.... tree is green. 4. I can see three... boys.... boys are playing. 5. I have... bicycle.... bicycle is black. My... friend has no... bicycle. 6. Our... room is large. 7. We wrote... dictation yesterday.... dictation was long. 8. She has two... daughters and one... son. Her... son is... pupil. 9. Last year I gave my... mother... bracelet for her... birthday. She liked... bracelet. 10. My... brother's... friend has no... dog. 11. This... pencil is broken. Give me that... pencil, please. 12. She has... ball.... ball is... big. 13. I got... letter from my... friend yester­day.... letter was interesting. 14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed at... hotel. Sometimes they had dinner at... hotel and sometimes in... restau­rant. 15. I've got... idea. 16. What... shame.


Supply the correct form of the adjectives and adverbs in parentheses. Let as and than be your clues. Add any other words that may be necessary.

1. John and his friends left............ (soon) as the professor had finished his lecture.

2. His job is............... (important) than his friend's. 3. He plays the guitar.......... (well) as Andres Segoria. 4. A new house is much................ (expensive) than the older one.

5. Last week was......... (hot) as this week. 6. Martha is............. (talented) than her cousin.

7. Bill's descriptions are.........(colourful) than his wife's. 8. Nobody is............(happy) than Maria Elena. 9. The boys felt......... (bad) than the girls about losing the game. 10. A grey hound runs.... (fast) than a chihuahua.


Заполните пропуски глаголом to be.

1. 1. The camel ___ a desert animal.

2. 2. Vegetables and fruit ___ healthy foods.

3. 3. Lambs ___ baby sheep.

4. 4. Kenneth ___ a lawyer.

5. 5. Rex ___ a clever dog.

6. 6. A duck ___ a kind of bird.

7. 7. The playground ___ full of people today.

8. 8. My house ___near the school.

9. 9. The questions ___ not too difficult.

10. 10. The balloons ___ very colorful.

4. Составьте текст «About myself»(«Обо мне») объемом не менее 30 предложений на английском языке (см. самостоятельную работу № 4).


Вариант 3

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. This is... pen.... pen is red. 2. These are pen­cils.... pencils are black. 3. This is... soup.... soup is tasty. 4. In the morning I eat... sandwich and drink... tea. 5. She gave me... coffee and... cake.... coffee was hot.... cake was tasty. 6. Do you like... ice cream? 7. I see... book in your... hand. Is... book interesting? 8. Do you need... camera? 9. He never eats... meat, he always eats... vegetables,... cereals,... seeds,... fruit, and... nuts. He is... ve­getarian. 10. This is... pineapple.... pineapple is delicious. 11. Elaine,... apples are good for you!

12. My... cousin is upset. He's got... sore throat.

13. This is... cottage cheese.... cottage cheese is fresh. 14. She bought... meat,... butter and... po­tatoes yesterday. She also bought... cake.... cake was very... tasty. We ate... cake with... tea.

2. Put in so much, so many, so few or so little.

When I agreed to serve on the committee, I didn't realize there would be............ meetings. They take up......... of my time that I think I'm going to have to resign. The meetings are com­pletely useless, anyway... people put............ energy into arguing for hours about things. They have...... importance that they weren't worth discussing in the first place. And...... of the com­mittee members are actually the kind of people I really want to get to know. I'm sure I'll be......... happier if I give it up

Заполните пропуски глаголом to be.


1. The camel ___ a desert animal.

2. Vegetables and fruit ___ healthy foods.

3. Lambs ___ baby sheep.

4. Kenneth ___ a lawyer.

5. Rex ___ a clever dog.

6. A duck ___ a kind of bird.

7. The playground ___ full of people today.

8. My house ___near the school.

9. The questions ___ not too difficult.

10. The balloons ___ very colorful.

4. Составьте текст «About myself»(«Обо мне») объемом не менее 30 предложений на английском языке (см. самостоятельную работу № 4).


Вариант 4

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