Студопедия — Listen to your teacher reading the verbal context below. Reply by using one of the drill sentences. Pronounce it with Intonation Pattern XIV. Say what attitude you mean to render.
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Listen to your teacher reading the verbal context below. Reply by using one of the drill sentences. Pronounce it with Intonation Pattern XIV. Say what attitude you mean to render.

Verbal Context

Her parents will never approve of her taste.

Will they touch upon all the questions in the article?

You have very little experi­ence in teaching English.

Has he made any effort to fix the tent?

He is going on a hiking tour.

She arouses everybody's ad­miration.

Spare her nerves.

How long will it take you?

How did he accept it?

They are going to make some inquiries about the affair.

They can't spare you any time now.

Make a note of her telephone number now.

Frankly speaking I am quite well aware of it.

She displays no enthusiasm about the work.

She refuses every present of his.

Eight o'clock won't suit her either.

I can't admit she is wrong.

Her name is on the list.

Has he proposed to her?

He promised to do everything in time.

We are far from indifferent to what you're doing.

You shouldn't have touched upon such things in public.

Everybody without exception is ready to do it.

She dreams of having this book.

The ten o'clock train won't suit us.

How can I make inquiries about the train's departure?

Will you enter her name in the list?

I reminded him of his promise.

Will they accept my apology?

Will you make an effort to do it again?

May I help myself?

Don't treat me like a baby.

I ought to invite her.

That's a silly plan.

Will you lend a hand, Tom?

I got really cross with them.

Nikki's not coming.

The petrol tank was empty.



Surely, not.


Probably. (But I'm going to gain some.)

Certainly. But it's not so easy.

I thought you knew about it.

We are not surprised. She is so beautiful and clever.

I don't think you quite under­stand what she's done.

A month or two, at any rate.

He was full of indignation, I think.


But why didn't they tell us before?

Why didn't you do it in time?

What difference does it make, may I ask?

Whoever would if the work isn't interesting?

What's the use of doing that?

What time is suitable for her then?

Who can? Why not, I wonder?

Why should you worry about it?

Did he do it, in fact? Are you really? Shouldn't I?

Yes, I know, but can you? Buy it for her, then.

Go by the six o'clock one. Phone them.

With pleasure!

Good of you! Why, naturally! No doubt!

Yes, do.

Be sensible, then. Well, then invite her.

You suggest a better one. With pleasure!

Why, certainly!

Good for you! Well done!

So much the better!

No wonder the car wouldn't start!


7. Pronounce the drill sentences with Low Fall. Observe the difference in atti­tude.

8. Your teacher will suggest a verbal context. You in turn respond to it by us­ing Intonation Pattern XIV. The drill will continue until every student has par­ticipated. Keep the exercise moving rapidly.

Reference material for the teacher

Why didn't you take advantage of an opportunity to tell them the truth?

Isn't it a decent film?

What are you going to do to clear everything up?

Who told you the time doesn't suit us?

Why didn't he try to propose to her?

Jane is on the list of students going to London.

What inspired the poet to write the verses?

She couldn't accept his gifts.

His action aroused everybody's indignation.

Their unexpected coming was a surprise to us.

Why were you not frank with him?

Can you spare me a few minutes?

Why don't you do anything to gain more experience in writing essays?

We can't approve of her being idle all the time.

Is he dreaming of a good collection of stamps?

He made no effort to make everybody sure he was right.

Couldn't you let me know about it before?

My shoes are too tight.

He was cross because you beat him.

What weather we're having!

Don't treat me like a baby.

You seem very happy about your success.

Can we afford to buy it?

We ought to stay in tonight.

9. Your teacher will suggest a verbal context. You in turn respond to it by us­ing:

A).statements, sounding self-satisfied, challenging, censorious, disclaiming responsibility;

b)special questions, sounding challenging, antagonistic, disclaiming re­sponsibility;

C)general questions, sounding impressed, challenging, antagonistic;

D)imperatives — disclaiming responsibility;

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