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а) у Львові;

б) невеличке містечко;

в) проживаю у сільській місцевості;

г) Ваш варіант відповіді_____________________________________



Задание на 12-21 мая.


За 16 часов занятий нужно прочитать 4 текста и выполнить задания к ним. На занятия приносите, пожалуйста, тексты (в электронном или распечатанном виде).

Дополнительно на занятиях будем повторять грамматику (по мере необходимости).



Задание к экзамену – все задания данного файла.

Если присутствуете на занятиях, тексты и задания, которые Вы отработали, зачитываются.

Если что-то пропустили, беседуем по пропущенным текстам на экзамене.


Заполните пропуски глаголами, приведенными ниже.

came come got live ’m going to find ’m reading ’m studying send speak started watch work

Hi. My name’s Carly and I 1)__________ from Australia. But I 2)__________ near London now with my husband Dave and our son. I 3)__________ to Britain fifteen years ago when I 4)__________ married.

I’m a student with the Open University. This means I 5)__________ special programmes on the television and 6)__________ at home. I 7)__________ my work to my course teacher every week. I 8)__________ art and the course is really interesting. At the moment, I 9)__________ about French Impressionists in French, which is difficult because I only 10)__________ a little French!

My course 11)__________ a year ago and it’s three years long. After I graduate, I 12)__________ a job in an art gallery or museum.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

  1. Where does she come from?
  2. Where does she live?
  3. When did she come to Britain?
  4. What University is she studying at?
  5. How many children does she have?
  6. What is she studying?
  7. What is she reading now?
  8. When did the course begin?
  9. What are her plans for the future?

Напишите и расскажите о себе, используя текст в качестве образца.



How many ways are there to learn a language?

Do you want to learn a language? We interviewed three people who learned a language in very different ways.

June is 36 and a mother of two. She went to evening classes. 'I gave up working when I had my first child, but a year ago I joined a French evening class. At first, it was quite difficult We had to speak French all the time in the classroom and I didn't understand anything. Also, when you only have one lesson a week, you have to do a lot at home, I studied when the children were in bed and I listened to French tapes in the car. At the end of the year I could speak French quite well.'

Tim is 23. He went to Italy to learn Italian. 'When I finished university, I wanted to travel and learn a language. I already knew a bit of Italian, so I decided to go there I didn't want to do formal lessons, so I bought some tapes and listened to them before I went. I travelled around the country for six months. It's the only way to learn! I didn’t have much money, so I worked in bars. That meant I met a lot of people and learned a lot of Italian. I also had a great time. I'd definitely recommend it.'

Sasha is 29. She did an intensive course in London. ‘I studied French and Spanish at university and got a job with computers. I missed learning a language, so I asked my boss for a month's holiday and enrolled on an intensive German course in London. We did six hours of lessons every day, so it was quite hard work. We all communicated in German. The problem was when I went home, I spoke English again. The course was fun and I learned a lot, but I’d like to do a course in Germany next time.'


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.



1. studied for a year?

2. has a job?

3. can now speak three languages?

4. didn’t take any lessons?

5. couldn’t understand anything at first?

6. had lessons all day?

7. thinks it’s a very good way to learn a language?


Отметьте правильный ответ (A, B, или C)

1. June found learning a language …

A easy В boring С hard

2. She did a French class …

A once a week В every evening С during the day

3. She did extra studying when she was…

A looking after the children В driving С in bed

4. Tim went to Italy because he …

A could speak Italian very well В knew some Italian С studied Italian at university

5. Before he went, he …

A took some lessons В practised at home С bought a home-study book

6. When he was travelling he, …

A met a lot of English people В spent a lot of money С spoke a lot of Italian

7. Sasha learned German…

A at work В in Germany С at a language school

8. When she was in class, Sasha spoke…

A a lot of English В German all the time С in different languages



How do I train for a career in management information systems (MIS)?

A career in management information systems (MIS) can be pursued in a similar way to computer information systems or information technology careers. There are many accredited universities and technical programs that grant degrees or certifications for study in MIS or MIS-related fields. Increasingly, non-university training formats are replacing expensive college curriculum and could be seen as a cost-efficient avenue to an MIS career.


It is unlikely that an unfamiliar employer will consider an application that does not include at least a bachelor's degree in computer science or another MIS-related field. Due to the specific focus of MIS, a degree in business management or business administration could serve as a substitute, although that would probably require some technical certification or prior IT job experience.

Careers are always employer-specific. A financial services provider might want FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) securities licensing on top of MIS qualifications. An oil company might want experience in or a recommendation from a petroleum-related organization.

A job posting in MIS implies a requirement for strong technical skills. This means Java, SAS, Oracle, database management, networking, an understanding of algorithms data and more.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 190. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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