Студопедия — Алгоритм диагностики, тактика ведения беременных. Герпес
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Алгоритм диагностики, тактика ведения беременных. Герпес

The herpes simplex virus can infect women’s’:

+ Vagina, vulva, urethra, cervix, rectum

Vagina, cervix, rectum, vulva

Vulva, urethra, rectum

Vulva, cervix, urethra

Rectum, vulva, vagina

The disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus, often occurs:



+ Asymptomatic

In a chronic form

As a recurrent infection in vulva

The risk of neonatal herpes in the world today is:




+ Very high

No risk

An important role in a viremia with herpes belongs (А.Ф. Пухнер, В.И. Козлова, 2010):

+ Red blood cells and white blood cells

Lymphocytes and leucocytes

Platelets and leucocytes

Monocytes and neutrophils


The role of red blood cells in chronic herpes infection is (А.Ф. Пухнер, В.И. Козлова, 2010):

They are a temporary carrier of the virus

In the red blood cells the virus replicates

They inactivate the virus

+ Provides constant of virus

The virus prolongs the life of red blood cells

The role of leucocytes in chronic herpes infection is:

+ They fix, but do not inactivate the herpes virus

They inactivate herpes virus

They lyse the herpes virus

They phagocytose virus and reproduce them

They rapidly are destroyed by virus

How the smear does look like in herpetic infection:

Are identified the mast cells

Are identified the "key cells"

Are identified the "naked" nucleus

Are identified the small cells with altered nuclei

+ Are revealed giant cells with intranuclear inclusions

The "Gold standard" for diagnosis of herpes virus is:

+ Virus isolation in cell culture

Infection of chick embryo



Cytological research of smear

Herpes simplex virus type II infects:

+ Mucosae of the urogenital tract

Mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract

The eyes

Bronchial mucosa

Vascular endothelium

Herpes simplex virus type II are often transferred by:

Air - borne

+ Sexual transmission

The contact (through kissing, toys, household items)

The vertical path (of organs located below the upper)

Postnatally (after labor)

Herpes simplex virus type I most often affects:

Vascular endothelium

Mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract

+ Skin and eye mucosa, lips, nose,

Bronchial mucosa

Mucosae of the urogenital tract

The incubation period of herpes simplex virus is the average:

2-3 days

+ 2-14 days

14-21 days

14-30 days

From 1 t3 months

Herpes simplex virus type II can be isolated from patient ‘s:

+ content of vesicles, vaginal secretions, semen

contents of vesicles, saliva

tears, saliva

bronchial washings, the contents of the vesicles. saliva

contents of vesicles

The prevalence of carriers of the herpes virus in Kazakhstan:


+ Very High


Very low


Is it necessary to examine a pregnant for the presence of herpes virus:

+ No, because the results do not affect the tactics of

Requires pregnant while taking on record

Requires up to 2 weeks before giving birth

Requires the third trimester of pregnancy

Required if a pregnant woman appeared clinical manifestations of infection

In which cases is there high risk neonatal herpes infection:

+ The primary infection of the mother before delivery (up to 2 weeks before delivery)

Recurrent infection during pregnancy

The carrier of the herpes virus

The primary infection of the future father of the baby, when the mother is pregnant

The primary infection of the mother at any stage of pregnancy

When does during herpes infection raise the question of operative delivery (because the risk of infection a child is 30-50 %) (order of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 239 of 07.04.10.):

The primary infection of the mother at any stage of the pregnancy

+ The primary infection of the mother in 2 weeks before labor

The primary infection of the mother in 3d trimester of the pregnancy

The primary infection of the mother in 3d trimester of the pregnancy

Recurrence of the disease in any stage of the pregnancy

What medicine is used to treat severe forms of herpes in the pregnancy:

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)


+ Acyclovir

Olive Leaf Extract


One month old baby has the body temperature 40, the sharp pain in the mouth, salivation, mucous of gums and cheeks hyperemized, bubble elements. Your diagnosis is:



+ Herpes infection of the mucous

Enterovirus infection

Stevens-Jones’s syndrome

Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 395. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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