Студопедия — Geography. Relief, Rivers and Lakes of the USA
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Geography. Relief, Rivers and Lakes of the USA

The United States may be divided into seven major regions from east to west:

- Atlantic–Gulf Coastal Plain (Part of this lowland region includes the Atlantic Plain which lies between the Atlantic Ocean and the foothills of the Appalachians. It was once underwater and is now almost flat.)

- Appalachian Mountains (The Appalachian Mountains runs along the eastern part of North America. Extend southwest from SE Canada to the Gulf Coastal Plain in Alabama. Mt. Mitchell (2,037 m high), in the Black Mts. of North Carolina, is the highest point of E North America.)

- Great Plains (The dry western part of the Interior Plains is called the Great Plains)

- Rocky Mountains (This region reaches from the Atlantic thorough Canada into the United States.)

- Basin and Range (Between the Rocky Mts. and the ranges to the west is the Intermountain Region, an arid expanse of plateaus (плоская возвышенность), basins, and ranges. The Columbia Plateau, Colorado Plateau, theGrand Canyon. The lowest point in North America, in Death Valley National Park (282 ft/86 m below sea level), is there. The largest basin in the region is the Great Basin, and Great Salt Lake.)

- Coastal Range (Pacific Coast) (Between the Intermountain Region and the Pacific Ocean is the Pacific Mountain System, These tall mountain ranges stretch from Alaska to Mexico. The Cascades and Sierra Nevada. Mt. Whitney (14,495 ft/4,418 m), in the Sierra Nevada, is the highest peak in the conterminous United States.)

The highest mountain in the USA is McKinley (6,194 m) in south central Alaska.


the United States has an extraordinary network of rivers and lakes

East: the Mississippi River (the major river the United States (2,339 miles) (3,765 km). It flows from northwestern Minnesota south to the Gulf of Mexico)

the Missouri (ending at the Mississippi River, just to the north of St. Louis, Missouri. It is the longest river in the United States (2,500 miles) (4,023 km)

the Arkansas (2,247 km)

West: the Colorado (2,380)

the Columbia (1,947)

Other: the Yukon (3,185), the Rio Grande (3,034)

Major Lakes

The Great Lakes region of the United States is located in the east central part of North America and constitutes a large section of the border with Canada. The five Great Lakes - Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior - are the world’s largest group of freshwater lakes.

The Niagara Falls (three waterfalls that form the international border between Canada and the United States; more specifically, between the province of Ontario and the state of New York. h 51 m)

The Great Salt Lake (located in the northern part of the U.S. state of Utah, and the fourth-largest terminal lake in the world. In an average year the lake covers an area of around (4,400 km2)


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