Студопедия — Trivia quiz on globalization.
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Trivia quiz on globalization.

1. What is the correct ranking of the world’s top 5 most global countries according to the KOF Swiss Economic Institute’s 2011 Index of Globalization?

a. Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland

b. Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Singapore

c. Singapore, Switzerland, U.S., Austria, U.K.

d. Switzerland, U.K., U.S., Netherlands, Germany

e. U.K., U.S., Singapore, France, Switzerland


2. What is the correct ranking of the world’s top 5 most global cities according to the Urban Elite Global Cities Index 2010?

a. Hong Kong, London, New York, Tokyo, Paris

b. London, New York, Shanghai, Paris, Tokyo

c. New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong

d. Sydney, Hong Kong, New York, London, Tokyo

e. Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, London, New York


3. Which two countries scored in the top 5 most global countries in both the 2011 KOF Index of Globalization and A.T. Kearney’s latest Globalization Index from 2007?

a. Austria and France

b. Brazil and Denmark

c. Ireland and Canada

d. Netherlands and Switzerland

e. U.S. and U.K.


4. What are the four dimensions of globalization in A.T. Kearney’s Globalization Index?

a. Cultural experience, economic integration, social globalization and political engagement

b. Cultural experience, economic integration, political engagement and technological connectivity

c. Economic integration, geographic integration, political engagement and technological connectivity

d. Economic integration, personal contact, technological connectivity and political engagement

e. Personal contact, economic integration, technological connectivity and cultural experience.


5. By how much did the BRIC countries’ (Brazil, Russia, India, China) combined share of total world economic output increase from 2000 to 2008?

a. 16.5 percent (from 16% to 18.6% of total world economic output)

b. 24 percent (from 16% to 19.8% of total world economic output)

c. 30.5 percent (from 16% to 20.9% of total world economic output)

d. 37.5 percent (from 16% to 22% of total world economic output)

e. 44 percent (from 16% to 23% of total world economic output)


6. By how much did the share of the world’s largest 500 companies that are based in emerging markets increase from 2005 to 2010 according to The Economist?

a. 32 percent (from 8.2% to 10.8% of the world’s largest 500 companies)

b. 48 percent (from 8.2% to 12.1% of the world’s largest 500 companies)

c. 72 percent (from 8.2% to 14.1% of the world’s largest 500 companies)

d. 94 percent (from 8.2% to 15.9% of the world’s largest 500 companies)

e. 112 percent (from 8.2% to 17.4% of the world’s largest 500 companies)


7. How much bigger would China’s economy be than the U.S. economy in the year 2050 according to Goldman Sachs’ 2007 forecast?

a. More than 15% bigger than the U.S. economy

b. More than 30% bigger than the U.S. economy

c. More than 45% bigger than the U.S. economy

d. More than 60% bigger than the U.S. economy

e. More than 75% bigger than the U.S. economy


8. By what percent does international collaboration increase the impact of science research publications over the standard domestic publication impact according to the U.K. Royal Society’s March, 2011 study, “Knowledge, Networks and Nations?”

a. Less than 20 percent increase

b. More than 50 percent increase

c. More than 100 percent increase

d. More than 300 percent increase

e. More than 500 percent increase


9. What is the correct ranking of the top 5 developed, democratic nations that are most committed to international development according to the Center for Global Development’s 2010 Commitment to Development Index?

a. Australia, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Canada

b. Germany, Sweden, Austria, Japan, Australia

c. Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, U.K., France

d. Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand

e. U.S., U.K., Switzerland, Japan, Australia


10. Who is credited with the following quotes: 1) “It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity;” and 2) “We must ensure that the global market is embedded in broadly shared values and practices that reflect global social needs, and that all the world's people share the benefits of globalization.”

a. Kofi Annan

b. Tony Blair

c. Bono

d. Joseph Stiglitz

e. Sting




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Task 1

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 471. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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