Студопедия — Future Simple
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Future Simple

Exercise 1. Make the following sentences negative and give 4 types of questions to them.

1) They will discuss this problem in class.

2) They will soon be here.

3) The students will study this subject next year.


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. I hope he will feel better soon.

2. We don’t know what his reaction will be.

3. I wonder what they will say.

4. I think it will make her confused.

5. We will see what to do.

6. Will you help them with this work?

7. When will they come?

8. Who will assist the surgeon?

9. Nobody will help you.

10. I hope, they will not forget about it.


Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Вони будуть працювати з нами?

2) Коли ти закінчишь цей експеримент?

3) Чому ви не будете приймати участь у конференції?

4) Вони не будуть чекати на нас.

5) Я не знаю, що вони вирішать.

6) Ми сподіваємось, що це допоможе.

7) Він питає, коли ми почнемо роботу.

8) Вони спитають тебе, звідки ця інформація.

9) Це не допоможе.

10) У нас не буде для цього часу.


Exercise 4. Join the beginnings and ends to make up the sentences.

Beginnins 1. The patient will be able to walk 2. She will have to be admitted to the clinic 3. The treatment will be prolonged 4. Twill take the job 5. I wont go out 6. 1 will come 7. Thins will goon getting worse 8. The patient won't be able to fall asleep 9. 1 will hospitalize you Ends unless the pay is too low. if the rate of his heartbeat becomes normal., if it rains this evening. if the increased respiratory. rate persists. until a favorable response is produced. unless there's a change of M vernment. as soon as I've finished my experiment. until he takes the medicine as soon as we have a vacant bed.



Exercise 5. All the sentences in this exercise are about the future. Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. I (not to be able to) give you a definite answer until I (to get) the necessary findings of the blood test.

2. He (to have to) go to hospital tomorrow it he (not to be) better.

3. As soon as the analysis of the gastric juice (to be) ready, the patient (to administer) a proper diet.

4. When you (to see) Brian again, you (not to recognize) him.

5. This medicine (to relive) the pain if you (to take) it regularly.

6. I (to phone) you as soon as I (to arrive) in London.

7. The physician (to go) home after he (to see) his patients.

8. The patient's condition (to become) better if he (to follow) the treatment.

9. Before the sutures (to remove), the surgeon (to have to) examine the wound.

10. If I (not to feel) good tomorrow, I (to stay) at home.

11. The patient (to feel) an immediate relief after he (to take) this remedy.

12. The physical (to administer) you the necessary treatment as soon as he (to make) a proper diagnosis.

13. Everyone (to be) very surprised if he (to pass) the examination.

14. The patient (not to complain) of any pain in his stomach if he (to keep to) a light diet.

15. If you (not to give up) smoking, a bad pain in the right side of the chest (to persist).


Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: As soon as it stops (stop) raining, I ’ll leave (leave).

1. When we (arrive) in London tomorrow we (go) straight to Oxford Street.

2. They (not speak) to you unless you (apologize).

3. Don’t worry. He (send) you a reply as soon as he (read) your letter.

4. When I (watch) the video, I (give) it back to you, I promise!

5. The doctor (to be) ready in 10 minutes. Take a seat while you (to wait).

6. As soon as the lesson (to finish) I (to go) to the library.

7. The nurse (to phone) you as soon as the results of analyses (to be) ready.


Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. The doctor (not to prescribe) you a treatment until he (to make a complete diagnosis.

2. It (to be) at least an hour before I (to finish) this report.

3. The children (not to go) to bed until they (to get) a glass of milk.

4. If you (not to do) well in the test, you (to have) to do it again?

5. As soon as we (to process) the information, we (to deal) with your request.

6. The doctor says that I (to feel) much better if I (to have) an operation.

7. Once you (to try) “Glowhite” toothpaste, you never (to use) anything else.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 3147. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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