Студопедия — III. After you have read. 3.1. Say what is true and what is false
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III. After you have read. 3.1. Say what is true and what is false

3.1. Say what is true and what is false. Correct the false statements:

1. From childhood, Kulibin displayed an interest in constructing mechanical tools.

2. During 1764 – 1767 he built a steam-engine.

3. Ivan Kulibin also designed projects for tower clocks, miniature clock-in-a-ring types and others.

4. Kulibin’s project was awarded the Nobel Prize.

5. In 1793 he constructed the four-stroke piston cycle internal combustion engine.

6. In 1794 he created an optical telegraph for transmitting signals over distance.

7. In 1801 Ivan Kulibin was appointed the rector of the academy in Nizhny Novgorod.

3.2. Fill in the blanks with words from the text:

1. He was born in 1735 in... in the family of a....

2. In 1769 Kulibin... this clock to Catherine II, who... Kulibin to be... of the mechanical... in the... of Saint Petersburg.

3. There, Kulibin … a «planetary» …, which … not only the current time, but also the month, day of the week, the season and the … moon phase.

4. He also … on new ways to … glass … use in …, telescopes and other … instruments.

5. During the 1770s he … a wooden … bridge … the Neva river with
a … of 298 metres, offering to use an original … with a cross grate.

6. After 1780 Kulibin worked … possibilities … a metallic bridge, but these projects … also … by the government.

7. In 1791 Kulibin … a …, in which he used a …, a brake, a … and roller bearing.

8. In 1801 Kulibin … from the academy and … to Nizhny Novgorod, where he designed a method of … and … a ship which he … to design back in 1782.

9. Tests … that such ships … indeed …, but they … never ….

10. During the same time Kulibin had projects … using … to move … ships, different kinds of …, pianos and other projects.

3.3. Substitute the modal verbs for the possible equivalents:

1. The special commission of engineers must test a new device.

2. My friend can play tennis very well.

3. The students may attend the scientific conference.

4. We can’t prepare this report in time.

5. You make take my laptop till tomorrow.

6. She must go to Nizhniy Novgorod for several days.

3.4. Insert the modal verbs may or can:

1. The mechanic... repair the brakes tomorrow if no one bothers him any more.

2.... we come and see the head engineer next Monday at four o'clock in the afternoon?

3. What time is it? – It... be about five o'clock, but I am not sure.

4. Only a person who knows the language very well... answer such
a question.

5. Let me look at your diploma project. I... be able to help you.

6. The computer class is quite free, and anyone who likes... work there.

7.... I take your text book on Higher Mathematics till tomorrow?

8. Take your umbrella with you: it... rain today.

9. Do you think you... draw these diagram?

10. My grandfather … very well when he was 10 years younger.

3.5. Insert the necessary modal verb or its equivalent:

1. I... not go to the cinema with them yesterday, I... to work on my term paper.

2. My friend lives not far from the university and... go by foot.

3. All of us... be in time for classes.

4.... you... to work hard to do well in special subjects?

5. One … know a foreign language.

6. My friend … to make a report at the conference at 10 a.m.

7. Nobody … answer my question.

8. The scientist … … to carry on this experiment in the university laboratory.

9. … you … to start this program at once?

10. This is the most necessary information you … to know.

IV. Grammar Review

Make up 5 general and 5 special questions to the text.

4.2. Give the negative and question form of the following sentences. Some sentences are false:

1. His grandfather was an aircraft designer.

2. From childhood he displayed an interest in constructing mechanical tools.

3. My friend attends classes every day.

4. The teacher will check our tests tomorrow.

5. His father was appointed the chief engineer of the big construction company.

6. These programmers are repairing an old computer now.

7. They were working on the term paper from 9 till 11 a.m.

8. Max will be downloading new programs the whole evening.

9. This matter is being discussed at the meeting now.

10. Ann will be in Moscow in a week.

4.3. Point out the sentences with the Passive Voice in the text.

V. Speaking

5.1. What autobiographical information have you learnt about Ivan Kulibin?

5.2. Speak about his inventions during 1764 – 1767.

5.3. Speak about Kulibin’s invention during 1770 – 1791.

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