Студопедия — Antioxidants
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There is a group of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes called antioxidants that help protect our body from the formation of free radicals. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that can cause damage to our cells, impairing our immune system and leading to infections and various degenerative diseases. There are three known free three radicals-the superoxide, the hydroxyl, and peroxide. They may be formed by exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals, overexposure to the sun’s rays, or though the action of various metabolic processes, such as the use of stored fat molecules for energy.

The way in which free radicals are normally kept in check is by the action of free radical scavengers that occur naturally in the body. These scavengers neutralize the free radicals. Certain enzymes serve this vital function. Four important enzymes that neutralize the free radicals naturally are superoxide dismutase (SOD), methione reductase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. The body makes these as a matter of course. In addition, the work of these scavenger enzymes can be supplemented by a diet rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, E, and C, the mineral selenium, and other nutrients. These antioxidants are also scavengers, gobbling up the free radicals particles.

If the diet is inadequate in the appropriate antioxidants, or if the system is overwhelmed by free radicals, you can take the following supplements to aid the body in destroying free radicals.

Vitamin A is necessary for healthy mucous cells and promotes germ-killing enzymes. Beta-carotene and vitamin A destroy carcinogens (cancer-producing substances).

In addition to increasing interferon production, vitamin C is a potent stimulator of T- effector cell activity and is also a very powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C reduces lipid production in the brain and spinal cord, which frequently incur free radical damage. These sites can be protected by significant amounts of vitamin C, which is needed to cross the blood-brain barrier. Vitamin C acts as a more potent free radical scavenger in the presence of a bioflavonoid called hesperidin.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents fat and cell membrane rancidity and protects the coating around each cell. Vitamin E improves oxygen utilization and enhances immune response. New evidence suggests that zinc is needed, to maintain normal blood concentrations of vitamin E.

GLA is a key regulator of T- lymphocyte function in the body. GLA can be made from linoleic acid, which is found in vegetable oils, but if zinc, magnesium, and vitamins C, B6 (pyridoxine), B3 (niacin), and A are deficient, the conversion may be blocked. Hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine, or a high-fat diet can also inhibit this important conversion to GLA. Evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil, and borage oil are the main sources of pre-formed GLA.

The sulphur - containing amino acid glutathione is used by the liver and the lymphocytes to detoxify chemicals and germ poisons. Cysteine is a powerful detoxifier of alcohol, tobacco smoke, and environmental pollutants, all of which are immune suppressors. This powerful antioxidant rids the body of free radicals, protecting it from the harmful effects of metals, drugs, cigarette smoke, and alcohol.

A partner/ synergist with vitamin E, selenium is essential for the key enzyme, glutathione peroxidase (each enzyme molecule contains four selenium atoms). It stimulates increased antibody response to germ infection.

SOD is an enzyme. A healthy body produces nearly 5 million units of SOD and its partner catalase daily. SOD revitalizes the cells and reduces the rate of cell destruction. It removes the most common free radical, superoxide. SOD also aids in the body’s utilization of zinc, copper, and manganese. Free radical production increases with aging, while SOD levels are reduced. The potential of SOD to slow the aging process is currently being explored. The SOD supplement in pill form must be enteric coated, that is, coated with a protective substance that allows the SOD pill to pass intact through the stomach acid into the small intestines to be absorbed. A supplement should be able to provide a daily amount of about 5 million units or higher. SOD naturally occurs in barley grass, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, wheatgrass, and most green plants.

This product contains large amounts of antioxidants to aid the body in destroying free radicals.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 414. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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