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У пра жнение

Переведите следующие предложения. Определите, какими спосо­бами в них выделен тот или иной член предложения:


1. Not only did the newly discovered electron provide an entity which was assumed to be a constituent of all atoms, but it also provided a natural unit of electric charge.

2. Positrons have only a short period of existence after
their formation. It is for this reason that the positive electron
had proved so difficult to detect.

3. Incomplete though these figures are, they give
more information in several respects than has before been

4. Satisfactory as this theory may be in many respects it
is far from being probable.

5. Not all substances separate from solution in the crys­
talline state: for instance, wax dissolves in petrol, but on
evaporating the solvent we do not get crystals of wax, nor
is glass crystalline.

6. It can only have been the close chemical similarity of
circonium and hafnium which prevented the isolation of the
latter by chemical means at a much earlier date.

7. Inserted in the circuit thus created is an instrument,
called a galvanometer, diagrammed as a circle with an arrow
that will indicate the passage of electric current through it
and the two wires.

8. In short, it is practically impossible to design a machine
so specialized that it will have value only with respect to the
field of application originally intended. Nor is there any
computer which is superior to any other computer with
respect to every problem.


9. It is from experiments on solubility of gases in liquids
that Dalton appears first to have derived direct evidence in
favour of this view.

10. The particles of water grow larger as condensation
continues and ultimately become rain drops. Not until then
do they fall earthward with an appreciable velocity.

11. So slight are the differences between the
members of division A and В in the Periodic Table that the
division into subgroups is scarcely necessary except for

12. The value of this mass would not be affected by any
systematic error common to all the observations not even
by such an error which varied uniformly with the time. Nor
would small errors in the adopted elements of the sun have
any effect upon result.


13. At first it is only the molecules which terminate the
longer paths that are ionized by collisions.

14. As the flux oscillates across the pole faces, so also
does the neutral commulating zone oscillate.


15. Prominent among the confirmations of Einstein's
hypothesis is the work related to the "photoelectric effect".

16. The "quant" theory, useful as it has proved itself
does not yet possess the assured position of the atomic
theory of matter.

17. Not until after the humanistic movement revived the
study of Greek in Western Europe did Greek words begin
to enter the English vocabulary in great quantity.

18. The values so estimated were not so high as we now
know them to be, nor were they always accepted, but
recognition of the polymeric nature of proteins is as old as
the peptide theory.

19. Whatever theis cause, or causes, the symptoms are
the following.


20. Not only are perfect crystals an unattainable ideal,
but they would be completely useless for most research

21. It was Thales who taught the Greek sailors to steer
their ships by the Pole Star.

22. Indeed, it is not unusual to find evidence of partial
melting of the lead bullet on extracting it from the block,
especially if the latter be of rather hard and resistant wood.

23. Thus it is known that birds do not keep direction by
orientating themselves in the earth's magnetic field, neither
apparently, does memorizing the route play an essential part.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 511. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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