Студопедия — There’s No Place Like Home
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There’s No Place Like Home

Chairman: We’re here tonight in the lovely Suffolk village of Tuddenham, where we’re the guests of the Tuddenham Women’s Institute. Our team tonight is Henry Mirchell the Canadian broadcaster and writer, Mary Johnson the actress and Jenny Martin the journalist. And our first question comes from....

Villager: Janet Parker. If the members of the team could choose where to live, would they live in a village or in a city?

Chairman: Thank you, Mrs. Parker.

Villager: Miss!

Chairman: Sorry... Miss Parker. If the members of the team could choose where to live, would

they live in a village or in a city? Henry.

Henry: Well, I think I’d prefer to live in a village because... well, I think the people are

friendly and there’s a lot of fresh air. I think life generally is healthier in a village and I like being close to nature. And it’s very easy for my work as a writer to have peace and quiet.

Chairman: Mary.

Mary: Well, I’d prefer to live in a city because there’s more going on.... being an actress, I need to go to the cinema and the theatre and there’s far more entertainment in the city than there is in the country, of course. I also like it because... people are more open-minded. People don’t... mind what you do in the city. And for the shopping as well, I mean, I love going to the village shop but the stores and shops in London can’t t compare with anything.

Chairman: You don’t think the... city can be lonely?

Mary: Oh, no, no. You can... have to go out and make friends. And...

Chairman: Good, fine.

Mary:... at least there’s the opportunity in London.

Chairman: Jenny,

Jenny: Yes, well, I prefer living in a village. It’s safer than a city and there’s less crime and of course there’s less traffic, so it’s much more pleasant. Then, it’s much cheaper than the city. There are... you know, rents are cheaper and so of course are house prices. It’s quiet, it’s... it’s peaceful. Yes, I much prefer living in a village.

Chairman: Jolly good, all right. Well, thank you very much indeed. And let’s find out where the members of the team really do live. Henry?

Henry: Well, I live in London because I have to do a lot of travelling and it’s more convenient, but I don’t like living there.

Chairman: Fine.... Mary?

Mary: Oh, I live in a village rather like this one-because my husband is a farmer.

Chairman: I see, but you’d... you don’t really like that situation?

Mary: I’m afraid I don’t!

Chairman: Oh dear, oh dear. Jenny?

Jenny: Yes, well I have the best of both worlds, I’m afraid. I live in a small town which is within easy reach of London and it’s very close to the country.

Chairman: Mmm, very nice too. OK, well, thank you very much. And our next question is from...

(Time: 2 minutes 45 seconds)

Ex. 5.

1.c., 2.f., 3.g., 4.g., 5.j., 6.d., 7.a., 8.e., 9.h., 10.b.


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