Студопедия — B. Acknowledgements
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B. Acknowledgements

Study Section

You have just received an important document and a covering letter from your partner. Naturally you must answer it and write a letter of acknowledgement. The main idea of a good letter of acknowledgement is just saying “thank you” to your partner.

Why do we write acknowledgement?

Ø To show courtesy: the recipient need not worry – you have received what he sent.

Ø To avoid misunderstanding: you know what you have sent and the quantity.

Ø To provide a record: just look it up in your file and you will immediately know whether you have sent it or not.


What do we acknowledge?

The receipt of

a) documents (contracts, orders, invoices. etc.);

b) samples, goods;

c) money.


You may use this plan for writing it:


1. State what you have received and the amount if necessary.

2. Express thanks for sending you money, samples, etc.

3. Mention any special instructions or actions required on the part of the recipient if necessary.

4. Offer further service or think of any other courteous note.

You may use the following helpful phrases when:

1) you acknowledge receipt:

Ø We acknowledgement (the) receipt of your letter/your order №

24/256 of 17 May, 2011.

Ø We duly received your Invoice № 135…

Ø We have received your letter of … enclosing…

Ø We are pleased to acknowledge your order of 30 march

which is receiving attention;


2) you express thanks:

Ø (We) thank you for your letter dated 1 May…

Ø We are obliged for your letter of 5 December…

Ø (We have received your samples) for which we thank you;


3) you “round off” the letter or write the conclusion of the

letter in a form of a polite wish or courteous notes:

Ø I hope this will be the beginning of a mutually profitable


Ø We appreciate your promptness un making tour payments

/carrying out our order and we are always pleased to serve


Ø We sincerely hope that this will be a successful transaction

for you and will lead to further orders.

Ø We appreciate your placing this order with us…

Ø If we may be of service to you, please call us.

Ø Please do not hesitate to write if you require further information.




Read the following letter:

  Dear Sir,   We thank you for your letter of 4 May, inquiring about our range of carpets. We have sent you under separate cover a comprehensive selection of our latest patterns. We enclose herewith our catalogue and price list. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Yours faithfully B. Damicrishna Production Manager  



Task 2

Rewrite the previous letter using other synonymous phrases.

Task 3

1. Guided Letter Writing




Mr. T. Soames Mr. K. Smirnov

Engine Exporters Ltd Interface J.V.



51 Market Road 16 Borsoyev Street

Hull Gomel 670003

Yorks Belarus



2.. Mr T. Soames is sending Mr K. Smirnov some brochures and catalogues about their new types of office equipment. Help Mr T. Soames to write a covering letter to Mr K. Smirnov:

Ø first state what you are enclosing with the letter;

Ø write a courteous note of goodwill.


3. Mr K. Smirnov receives Mr T. Soames’ covering letter and his advertising materials. Write a letter of acknowledgement for Mr. K. Smirnov:

Ø say that you have received the promotion literature Mr. T. Soames has sent you. Do not forget to thank Mr T. Soames for that;

Ø write that as soon as you have examined the materials you will get in touch with Mr T. Soames again to arrange a visit to their company and see the equipment in operation.


Task 4

This is an extract from a conversation between two businessmen:

Mr T.Trade and Mr J.Blake:

Mr. J.Blake: And we have received that order from the Belarusian School of Business and Tourism from Minsk. It also came with yesterday's mail.

Mr. T.Trade: Fine. I've been expecting it. Send them an acknowledgement and let's see what we can do for them.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 537. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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