Студопедия — Letters that ask
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Letters that ask

Study section

Every business letter has its own special aim determined by the writer’s intention. In an asking letter the intention is not just to express a request, it is mostly to make the recipient respond. Asking letter often sound like “please send me” messages, for they contain a request to send brochures, materials, catalogues and other printed matter. An ordinary request turns into an enquiry if it deals with some commercial information.

Asking letters may encourage the recipient to do many other things as well, for example they initiate:

- invitations,

- appointments,

- orders,

- reservations, etc.

When writing an asking letter use the following plan:

1) express your intention: requests, enquire, invite, order, etc;

2) give your reasons or perhaps offer some appropriate explanations;

3) thank your correspondent in advance.


A. Requests

Many business letters request something: a businessman writes to a supplier, asking for a catalogue; to a hotel, asking for a reservation; to a partner, asking for an appointment and so on. When writing a request you should: state the request; state or imply your reasons; express the appreciation for the expected cooperation.


These are helpful phrases:

Requesting information:

- We would like to know whether…

- Please inform us…

- We shall/should be obliged if you will/would kindly inform us…

- We shall appreciate it if you (will) inform us…

- We would ask you to inform us…

- We are interested to know whether you have considered…

Requesting action:

- Would you please send us…

- Could you please send us…

- We should be obliged if you would confirm that

- Would you kindly send us…

- We have pleasure in enclosing our Order No …, and would ask you to return the duplicate to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgment.

To sound more persuasive, use one of the following phrases:

- We must ask you to open a letter of credit no later then… with the (London Bank) …

- It is absolutely essential that you open a Letter of Credit not later than…

Expressing appreciation (courteous ending):

- We look forward to receiving your reply/hearing from you soon.

- Your cooperation will be appreciated.

- Your cooperation will be truly/greatly appreciated.

- Your prompt reply will be appreciated

- We will appreciate receiving this information as soon as possible.

- We will appreciate receiving these data by 30 March.


Task 1

Now read samples of different requests:

Sample 1. Requesting information


Dear Sir, We are trading company and at present are interested in increasing the range of vacuum cleaners we can offer our customers. We should like to receive some information about the models you are now producing. We should be obliged if you would send us your latest catalogue and price list. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Your faithfully



Sample 2. Requesting reservation


Dear Sirs, Kindly reserve for our customers, Mr. John Stewart, a single room with a bath from 15 to 24 October. Mr. J. Stewart is expected to arrive on Pan Am flight No 854 from Chicago and should get to your hotel at about 8 o’clock p.m. We look forward to your confirmation. Your faithfully



Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 529. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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