Студопедия — Study section. Advertisements (ads) for employment appear in all the media including radio and television
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Study section. Advertisements (ads) for employment appear in all the media including radio and television

Advertisements (ads) for employment appear in all the media including radio and television. However, newspapers and magazines are usually the main source for vacancies.

Generally, the term vacancy, post, position, or opening are used instead of the word job in applications.

If replying to an advertisement, as with most correspondence, it is better to simply state what are you doing, and remember to give a date or reference.

Some companies don`t send application forms, but prefer applicants to supply a curriculum vitae (c. v.), which is your personal and working history.

If you are invited to an interview, remember the following:

Ø Make sure you know in advance where the venue for the interview is and how you are going to get there. Leave yourself plenty of time-arriving late will create a very bad impression.

Ø Look the part. When applying for most legal gobs, you will be expected to be smartly but conservatively dressed.

Ø Do you research: find out as much as possible about the firm or organization to which you have applied, and the position you are seeking.

Ø Review your application. Be prepared for things you have mentioned in your application to be brought up and questioned by the interviewer. Therefore, do not mention anything in your application unless it can be supported by solid evidence.

Ø Be prepared for difficult questions. Always answer all questions frankly and fully.

Try to discern the underlying objective of the interviewer in asking certain questions. The following are interview favorites:

Ø ‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’ The interviewer is testing your ambition, sense of purpose, and career planning.

Ø ‘Why do you want to work for us?’ The interviewer is checking for motivation and your understanding of the position on offer.

Ø ‘Tell me about yourself.’ The interviewer is checking mainly for confident self-presentation and for your ability to present relevant information succinctly.

Ø ‘Why do you want to leave your current job?’ The interviewer is looking for positive motivation. Never say that you want to leave in order to obtain a better-paid position or that your job is boring (even if either of those is true), and avoid direct criticism of your present or past employers or colleagues

Ø If you do not get the job after being interviewed, do not be scared to telephone the firm to which you applied to ask the reason for this. If there is something in your style of presentation that you can correct, it is worth learning about it. Most reasonable firms will discuss with candidates over the telephone why they were rejected.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 542. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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