Студопедия — Test 99
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Test 99

1. Tom, (you, finish) reading the newspaper yet? - No, I still (read) it.

2. At noon yesterday, the staff (have) their monthly meeting.

3. The teacher (give) the students a test when the principle (come) into the classroom.

4. Dad (close) the windows, (set) the alarm, and (leave) the house. The children (sleep) already.

5.... Nelson Column (erect) in 1842 in... Trafalgar Square in commemoration of Admiral Nelson, who (win) a triumphant naval victory, but (kill) in the battle.

6. To commemorate Admiral Nelson's Victory in (a, the, -) great naval battle at Trafalgar, (a, the, -) Trafalgar Square (construct) in London.

7. In 1066 an invading army of the Normans (win) the victory at the battle of Hastings; as a result of that single battle, William, Duke of Normandy, (crown) king of England and (become) known in the popular history as William the Conqueror.

8. My teacher told me I (might, had to, needed) stay after school as (the, a, -) punishment for talking in class.

9. (Need, can, ought) I borrow your pen? (My, mine) doesn't work.

10. I (must, mustn't, may) go to (a, the, -) bank. I haven't got (some, any, little) money.

11. What time (mustn't, will, shall) I pick you up from (a, the, -) work? - (At, in, about) 7 sharp.

12. Have you heard Jane's playing (the, a, -) piano (late, lately)? - Yes, but he (not, seem) to be getting (good).

13.1 like living in the country. It's a lot (peaceful) than the city.

14.... Louvre has a large number of famous works, such as... Mona Lisa and... Venus de Milo. (a, the, -)

15. (A, the, -) pyramids in Egypt (build) to be tombs for (a, the, -) pharaohs.

16. In... New York you could visit... Central park,... Empire State Building and... Times Square and see... show on... Broadway, (a, the, -)

17. He's late again. It's typical (of, for, about) him to keep everybody waiting.

18. Be careful, there (be) too (many, much, a lot of) cars in (this, these) cities.

19. (Many, much, a little) students have financial problems,...?

20. (Few, little, a lot of) customers (come) into the shop today. It (be) quite all day long. 21. A young woman (sit) on (a, the, -) park bench while the

children (play) nearby.

22. The boy went to (a, the, -) bed early because he (play) football all day.

23. Peter decided that he (not, leave) for work until he (shovel) the snow from the drive.

24. The lawnmower (break down) while my father (mow) the lawn.

25. For many thousands of years stories (pass) from (a, the,) generation to generation orally, either in words or in songs.

26. (A, the, —) new chairman of the company (announce) in a week. The candidates (discuss) now.

27. She (expect) to arrive (to, in, at) London at 3 o'clock to morrow afternoon.

28. You just (clean) the stairs? - Yes, so be careful. (It, they) (be) very slippery.

29. You put that shirt in the washing machine. - I know. It... be dry-cleaned, (mustn't, couldn't, have to)

30. A university degree is a useful thing. If I (have) a univer sity degree, I (sit) in a comfortable office now instead of standing at a street corner selling newspapers.

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