Студопедия — Remember these words!
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Remember these words!


Recently we took our 15-year-old son Joe to the place in Paris where we … 1 when he was a baby. We showed him the house, with the balcony where he … 2 and make speechesto imaginarycrowds. Then we went inside, and believe it or not, there was Mme Duchene, who… 3 Joe when we were working. She didn't look a day older. We couldn't get into the flat, but we saw the garden where Joe… 4 Then we visited the park where we… 5 him for walks, the zoo where he … 6 the lions and tigers, and the lake where we … 7 boating. Not much had changed in the area: most of the shops were still there, including the wonderful old grocer's where we… 8 delicacies like cherries in brandy. But the friendly butcher who… 9 the best pieces of meat for us was gone, and so was the restaurant with the bad-tempered old waitress where we… 10 Sunday lunch. I found it strange to go back: it made me feel happy and sad at the same time. But Joe was delighted with the trip.

4) Write 5 sentences about things that you used to or didn't use to do/think/ believe when you were younger.

Remember these words!

· Internationally famous – всемирно известный

· How much is he like the hero? – Насколько он похож на своего героя?

· To be close to someone – Быть близким с кем-то.

· To be good at languages – Хорошо знать языки

· To feel bored - скучать

· Join smth – присоединитьс к кому-то/ чему-то

· Stockbroker биржевой маклер

· To go on a secret mission – Продолжать секретное задание

· To have a bad heart – Иметь проблемы с сердцем

· At least he knew – По крайней мере он знал

· Create - создавать


James Bond Retelling When James Bond got back to his hotel room it was midnight. His windows were closed and the air-conditioning was on. Bond switched it off and opened the windows, then had a shower and went to bed. At 3:30 he was dreaming, when suddenly he woke up. He listened. There was a noise coming from the window. Someone was moving behind the curtains. James Bond took his gun from under his pillow, got quietly out of bed, and crept slowly along the wall towards the window. Someone was breathing behind the curtains. Bond pulled them back with one quick movement and saw a blond He asked her what the hell she was doing there Bond put down his gun and tried to pull her through the open window. Bond quickly led her across the room to the bathroom. He turned on the light and the shower. They sat down on the side of the bath. Mary said that some message had come and a top KGB man was staying at that hotel. Bond said he knew it and that he had to get her out of there. Bond turned off the shower and opened the bathroom door. A voice came from the darkness of the bedroom. It was Scaramanga. He asked them to put their hands behind their necks and turned on the lights. His golden gun was pointing directly at James Bond.


Practice Homework for the 27th of December

- Retell James Bond Story

- Learn all new words

- Write a biography of yourself

Include: Date and a place of your birth, some family background (parents, family), private life :), education, some important events in your life, important people in your life, your achievements and failures, your present life.


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Studopedia.info - Студопедия - 2014-2024 год . (0.01 сек.) русская версия | украинская версия