Студопедия — Go through the list of educational terms and realia. Be able to explain the notions they describe.
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Go through the list of educational terms and realia. Be able to explain the notions they describe.

education n training n applicant n the Universities Central Council on Admissions (UCCA) prospectus a full–time course/student a part–time course/student a sandwich course a residential course a degree/non–degree course freshman n (fresher) undergraduate n graduate n post–graduate n non–graduate n lecturer n professor n tutor n tutorial n don n the sciences the arts a civic university a red–brick university a plate–glass university campus n hall of residence (hall) lodgings (coll. digs) finals n degree examinations Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Master of Arts (M.A.) Master of Science (M.S.) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) external degree grant n scholarship n loan n Students’ Union the National Union of Students apprenticeship n polytechnics (polys) optional subject compulsory subject the Open University further education college technical college college of technology tertiary college (the Tech.)   2. Study the phrase list you will need to discuss the text. to award degrees mass lecture system to study/read for a degree to enjoy equal standing to upgrade to a … level to enter a course to provide a course to release from work to fall into categories the ancient foundations to prescribe the curricula to issue a prospectus to go down for a vacation to take out loans to overlap to study by correspondence distance learning

3. Compare the words and word-combinations:



further education - higher education

hall of residence-hostel


4. Complete the following sentences:

1) Higher education is provided in...

2) Further education is provided...

3) 'Red-brick' universities were established in...

4) 'Plate-glass' universities lay emphasis on...

5) In sandwich courses the period of full-time study...

6) Part-time students are sometimes released...


5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1) Sometimes part-time students are released... work... pay... their


2) British universities fall... four broad categories.

3) The basis... tuition in Oxford is the tutorial... which students

are required to meet... their tutor once a week.

4) Civic universities were based... the mass lecture system.

5) It is the only university which awards... external degrees.

6) The Open University provides every person in Britain... the

opportunity to study... a degree... leaving their home.


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