Студопедия — Standard Requirements
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Standard Requirements

1. The basic level:

a) a personal letter (style, shortened, forms, colloquial phrases, informal formulas of address, …)

b) filling out a form

c) writing a CV – Curriculum Vitae (autobiography within the required format)

d) writing out citations

(mostly standardized types of discourse) technique of writing: penmanship, spelling, the most basic rules of punctuation

2. The specialized (advanced) level:

a) writing a business letter

b) writing a resume (a letter of application)

c) formulate the information received in the form of abstracts, review, summary)

d) making notes of teacher's speech

e) using written English in project work; writing a detailed plan of a presentation; summing up information received from a number of sources

f) describing events, facts, phenomena

g) formulating ones judgements concerning different aspects of life

(mostly, creative types of discourse)


The Technique of Writing (Penmanship)

  1. Guess the letter on the blackboard by its element (either capital or low-case letters) develops visual imagination
  2. Make as many letters as possible from the following elements (/,..)
  3. Look at the letters, underline and name all the English letters
  4. Imitate the letter using the pattern (they can outline the counteur)
  5. Write the letter dictated by a fellow-student
  6. Fill in the gabs in the alphabet
  7. Rewrite the letters in the alphabetical order
  8. The lower part of the word is closed. Guess the word by its upper part, name it and finish writing it

Teaching Spelling

  1. Write the letter or letters which can render the following sounds ([ei] – a, ai, ay, [k] – k, c, ck, ch)
  2. Name each word twice pointing to its transcription and spelling
  3. Find and read the word which does not correspond to the transcription, which doesn't sound like that
  4. Match the familiar words and their partial transcription
  5. Name the missing letter, write it in and read the whole word (m-ther, f-ther, s-n, da-ghter)
  6. Find a rhyme for each of these word
  7. Fill in the necessary letter or letters (pri...e [prais])
  8. Group unfamiliar words into 4 columns according to the transcription
  9. Change the order of the letters to get familiar words (hisf, drinfer)
  10. Make up as many words you can using the letters from this word (demonstration)
  11. The game “Gallows”
  12. Write and pronounce the following familiar and unfamiliar words in Past Simple (prefer – предпочёл, admire – восхищался)
  13. Reconstruct the infinitives (hoping, hopping)
  14. Fill in the right word (He's stronger … his brother) (than, then)
  15. Spell unfamiliar words dictated by the teacher
  16. Who wrote each word – a British or an American (honour, colour, favour)


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