Студопедия — V. CASE STUDY
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Ex 1. Imagine that your principal has recently heard about a new electronic typewriter marketed by 'Electronic Business Equipment Ltd.', Queensway House, Great Russel Street, London WC1 3AQ, which embodies an erasure strip in its ribbon, and incorporates an interchangeable daisy wheel print facility.

Write a letter to inquire about the availability, performance and cost of this machine. Provide a suitable letter-heading.

Note that your company prefers to use the semi-blocked letter format.


Ex 2. You are the supervisor of the secretarial pool of the Am-Lux Company, Inc., 51 West 42 Street, New York, New York 10031. You recently read an article by Loretta Lawrence entitled "Ten Pitman Pitfalls to Watch Out For" in Sten magazine. You believe the twenty five secretaries in your department would benefit from reading the article. Write a letter to Ms. Lawrence, in care of Sten, 705 Tenth Avenue, New York, New York 10048, requesting her permission to make twenty five copies of her article for circulation only within your company.


Ex 3. Your company is going to buy an aerogenerator. You will pay a maximum of L5,000 for one, and you will become an insurance scheme participator, but for this you want at least 12,5% discount on the product. You want a guarantee period of at least 1 year, and quick delivery - more than 6 weeks from the date of order is no good.

You have chosen two advertisements from two aerogenerator companies, SANCO and ELECTROZEPH.


Study the following two ads




· 10% discount to insurance scheme participator

· six-month guarantee

· delivery 1 month from date of order

· price: $ 4,995




· 15% discount to insurance scheme participator

· eighteen-month guarantee

· delivery 4 month from date of order

· price: $ 5,195


In your group, choose representatives for both companies advertising their products.


Write letters of inquiry to each of them trying to negotiate applicable conditions.


Wait for their replies. Discuss them in your group and decide what suits you more.


After you have made a decision place an order with the company you have chosen.



Ex 4. You have received this reply to your inquiry of 28 June.


* Sight draft – предъявительский вексель, срочная тратта (подлежит оплате по предъявлении)


Write the letter of inquiry, which precedes the reply. You are J.F. Morreau, and you have just seen an advertisement for Glaston Potteries Willow Pattern dinner sets in May edition of International Homes.


Составители: ФИЛИППОВА Людмила Борисовна

ТИМОШЕНКО Людмила Петровна



Редактор Н.И. Золотина

Подписано в печать

Формат 60х84,1/16.бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная.

Усл. печ. л. Уч.-изд.л. 2,25. Тираж 200 экз.

Заказ. Бесплатно.


Издательство Российской экономической академии имени Г.В. Плеханова.

113054 Москва, Стремянный пер., 36.

Отпечатано в типографии РЭА имени Г.В.


113054 Москва, ул.Зацепа, 41/4.



[1] A subject line can provide a concise summary of the letter (something like a title) or it can list account numbers, order notations, or referral numbers. The subject line, proceeded by the word SUBJECT in capital letters, is placed two spaces below the opening salutation.


Dear Ms Hogan:


SUBJECT: Repair of model 7342


[2] When a letter is written to an organisation or department, the official nominated to deal with it may be indicated by typing the following above the salutation:




[3] In American English (AE) reference initials are placed after signer's identification:


AM: sn

AM / sn


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