Студопедия — Ex.4. Give English equivalents to the word combinations. Use the text for reference.
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Ex.4. Give English equivalents to the word combinations. Use the text for reference.


17th September, 2009


Dear Dr. Bobrikov,

I am very much obliged to you for your kind invitation to attend the Jubilee celebration of your Institute, which I accept with great pleasure.

I wish to use this opportunity and to congratulate you and your colleagues on this magnificent occasion and wish you good health and every success.


Yours truly,

Stanley P. Robinson


Учебно-методическое пособие по предмету

«Иностранный язык делового общения»







Разработала Еникова А.А.



Ex.1. Read the text, write out new words and learn them.



Business transactions usually start with inquiries. As a rule the Buyer gets the name and address of the Seller either at the exhibition, from an advertisement, on television or radio commercial. Inquiries can be sent by mail or by fax. Sometimes inquiries can be made orally on the phone.

In the inquiry the Buyer states what goods he is interested in and asks for the details of the price and terms of sale. When the Buyer wants to know at what price and on what terms he could buy the goods required by him, he usually sends out inquiries to firms, companies and organizations manufacturing such goods or dealing with them. Often the buyer asks the Seller to send him (to enclose with the offer) illustrated catalogues, price-lists and, if possible, samples or patterns of the goods he is interested in. When asking the Seller to send him a quotation (or to make him an offer) the Buyer gives a detailed description of the goods required.

After considering the inquiry for some time the Seller sends an offer in reply. The offer expresses the wish of the Seller to sell the goods. But it’s not a legal document and the Seller may for some reason decide not to sell. The offer is only the first step in a contract. The offer usually quotes the price and stipulates terms of delivery and some other necessary details.

The Sellers may offer their goods to the regular customers or to those who may be interested in them without waiting for an inquiry. These are voluntary or free offers. They are formally called without obligation. This kind of offer doesn’t bind the Seller and therefore maybe done to several potential Buyers.

There are firm offers, i.e. binding with obligation. A firm offer is made by the Seller to one potential Buyer only and usually indicates the time during which it will remain open for acceptance. If the Buyer accepts the offer in full within the stipulated time, he is obliged to buy the goods at the price and on the terms stated in the offer. The Sellers have the right to withdraw a firm offer at any time before it has been accepted.

There are also some other types of business letters: orders, confirmations of the order, claims, etc.


Ex.2. Read the words, pay attention to their pronunciation and learn them.

transaction -- сделка deal with – иметь дело с

inquiry -- запрос sample/ pattern -- образец

advertisement -- реклама require -- требовать

exhibition --выставка offer -- предложение

withdraw -- отозвать sale -- продажа

accept -- принимать stipulate -- обусловливать

enclose -- прилагать order – заказ


Ex.3. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.

On a television or radio commercial; can be sent by mail; terms of sale; to send out inquiries; to enclose with the offer; illustrated catalogues and price-lists; samples or patterns of the goods; to send a quotation; to make an offer; to give a detailed description; to send an offer in reply; to stipulate the terms of delivery; regular customers; free offers; to several potential Buyers; does not bind the Seller; to remain open for acceptance; within the stipulated time; at the price and on the terms stated in the offer; to withdraw a firm offer.


Ex.4. Give English equivalents to the word combinations. Use the text for reference.

Деловые соглашения; предполагаемый покупатель (продавец); из различных информационных и рекламных источников; интересоваться ценой, условиями продажи, оплаты и поставки; товары, необходимые покупателю; на каких условиях он мог бы купить; высылать запрос; приложить иллюстрированные каталоги, прейскуранты и образцы товаров; детальное описание товаров; после изучения запроса; послать предложение в ответ; постоянные клиенты; не ожидая запроса; отозвать предложение; время, в течение которого предложение может быть принято.


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