Студопедия — The Pharmacist
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The Pharmacist

Pharmacists are healthcare professionals that deal primarily with dispensing medications and managing patient medication regimens. The pharmacist has many responsibilities. The pharmacist fills prescriptions from doctors. The pharmacist also counsels the patient about medication, side effects, and how to use the medication correctly. Another responsibility of the pharmacist is to manage and monitor patient medication profiles. Pharmacists must check for drug interactions, proper prescribing and drug safety. The pharmacist works closely with patients, physicians, and other healthcare professionals to provide medication to the patient.

Roles of the pharmacist:

* Reviewing and monitoring patient medication regimens

* General health advice

* Counseling patients about disease states and medication

* Dispensing medication by prescription

* Counseling patients about the best use of medication

Pharmacists work in a variety of places with many different specialties. Pharmacists are often the first person patients ask for medical advice. With their position in the community and because they are very accessible, pharmacists play a major role in patient care.

Pharmacists work in:

* community pharmacies

* hospitals

* clinics

* pharmaceutical companies

* government offices

Pharmacist specialties include:

* community pharmacists

* hospital pharmacists

* nuclear pharmacists

* clinical research pharmacists

* consultant pharmacist

Now choose the proper answer(s):

1. What is a pharmacist?

1. a person who deals with medication 2. a person who consults patients 3. a person who prescribes medicine 4. a person who works in a hospital


2. What are the two main roles of a pharmacist?

1. side effects and prescriptions review 2. safety and dosage monitoring 3. dispensing medication and managing patient medication profiles 4. checking inventory and ordering prescriptions


3. What are the responsibilities of a pharmacist?

1. counseling patients 2. filling prescriptions 3. managing side effects 4. all of the above


4. Which one isn't a responsibility of the pharmacist?

1. to monitor patient medication profiles 2. to diagnose diseases

3. to fill prescriptions 4. to monitor safety of medication regimen


5. Where do pharmacists work?

1. pharmacies 2. hospitals 3. government offices 4. all of the above


6. Which is not a special field of a pharmacist’ activity?

1.counseling 2.research 3.hospital 4. medical record


7. What does a pharmacist check when checking a prescription? 1. drug interactions 2. drug safety

3. proper prescribing 4. all of the above


8. Which is a medication order?

1. a prescription 2. a medicine side effect

3. a drug interaction 4. a drugstore


9. Why is a pharmacist often the first person patients ask for medical advice?

1. Because they are nice. 2. Because they like questions.

3. Because of their accessibility in the community. 4. Because people like pharmacists.


10. An important role of the pharmacist is to … a patient about medication, medication use, and side effects.

1. counsel 2. fill 3. manage 4. use


4. Group the drugs:

Ointment, pills, capsules, lotion, bandage, serum, powder, tablets, syrup, cream, caplets, vaccine, gargle, jelly, plasters, spray, inhaler, mixture, drops, mustard plasters, cups, patch, IV drip.

Drugs for internal use Drugs for external use Drugs for injections

5. Complete the sentences below with the words from the list:

cubic centimeters per cent

double dose ratio

extra length score

half dose teaspoon

junior strength units


1. Measure out the ordinary household …………. of cough mixture.

2. If you miss one, you can catch up with a …….. later.

3. Give the child two of the new orange-flavoured, ……… aspirins.

4. He is a big man and needs an ……. analgesic.

5. The drug is very strong: even just a ………. can make you drowsy.

6. Make the solution with 100 …….. of insulin.

7. Make up a suspension in a ……… of 10:1.

8. Put 3.6 ………… of the powder into a litre of water.

9. Make a 20 ……… solution with 20 grams of soluble solid and add enough water to make 100 ml.

10. The patient has a ………. of 9 on the ranking scale for reactions to drugs.

11. Use a syringe with a volume of 25 ……..



6. Read this little medical joke: During a follow-up appointment, a practice nurse asked a patient how he was getting on with his medication patches. “The doctor told me to put a new patch every six hours and now I’m running out of places to put them,” he said. The nurse asked him to undress and saw that the man had fifty patches stuck on his body. Now write one sentence instructing for using the medication patches so that it could not be misunderstood

7. Discuss these questions:

- Should all medicines be free?

- Can you think of any reasons why it should be illegal to sell medicines online?

- Should pharmaceutical companies be banned from aggressive advertising of new drugs and giving presents to doctors?

8. You’ll read a text about antibiotics. Before reading think and answer the following questions. Start with: I believe… I think… As far as I know…

1. What do antibiotics do? 2. What antibiotics can you name? 3. Do antibiotics help with colds? Explain why. 4. What do you know about bacteria and viruses?

Now read the text and explain the contents to your partner so that s/he could understand it. The partner will ask as many questions as possible about the ideas in the text

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