Студопедия — Impersonal andIndefinite personalsentences.
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Impersonal andIndefinite personalsentences.

Exercise 1. Read the impersonal replies and match them with the following sentences (one reply for one sentence):

1) It’s impossible!

2) It’s a pity…

3) It’s amazing!

4) It’s very strange.

5) It’s real.

6) It’s interesting.

7) It’s not true.

8) It’s no importance.


a) Transportation is one of the critical components of the global economy by supporting a wide array of movements of passengers and freight between nations.

b) A DVD player manufactured in China embarks in a complex journey, involving a multitude of stages with transport modes such as trucks, containerships and trains, and with transport facilities such as ports, railyards and distribution centers, to insure that it reaches global markets.

c) In spite of its importance in the contemporary global economy, international transportation predates globalization.

d) One of the first major “international” trade route was the Silk Road.

e) Two transportation modes are specifically supporting globalization and international trade; maritime and air transportation. Road and railways are not very important.

f) China is importing growing quantities of raw materials and energy but it is not exporting manufactured goods.

g) Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the 'upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, 'lower case' letters.

h) Where locomotive wheels make contact with the rail the total area is not much larger than a silver dollar.

Exercise 2. Finish the impersonal sentences as shown.
Example: It is useless to: - It is useless to visit England without speaking English

1) It’s difficult for engineers to…

2) It’s not interesting to…

3) It’s important to…

4) It’s not serious to…

5) It’s impossible to…

6) It’s exciting to…

7) It’s not easy for me to…

8) It was necessary that…

9) It will be simple to define…

10) It is said that …

11) It was known that …

12) It will be shown that …

13) It seems that …

14) It was decided…

15) It has been found…

16) It is to be noted…


Exercise 3. Make the following sentences a) past, b) future, c) negative.

1) It is necessary to send it urgently.

2) It is a convenient train.

3) It is interesting to read this article.

4) It is an important experiment.

5) It is not difficult to sign the contract.

6) It is impossible to carry on trade in the modern world without using money.

7) It is impossible to dissolve the substance in water.

8) It is formerly believed that all heavy objects fell faster than light objects.

9) It is now well established in economics that innovations are absolutely central to development, growth, and well-being.

10) It is important to know these facts.


Exercise 4. Read the text. Find impersonal and indefinite personal sentences. Translate them into Russian.

One can say that globalization has been supported and expended by the development of modern transport systems. It is known that from large containerships to small delivery trucks, the whole distribution system has become closely integrated linking manufacturing activities with global markets. However, it is interesting to remember that the beginning of the 21st century brings many challenges to the role of transportation in the global economy. The capacity of many segments of transport system has been stretched by additional demands tying up long distance transportation modes.

One may remind us about congestion in many international transport terminals such as ports often causes delays and unreliable deliveries and there is an acute need for improving inland transportation systems, notably those linked to the major gateways of the global economy. Last, but not least, the long trend of growing energy costs is likely to impose significant adjustments to international transport systems.



Be ready to speak about a famous public speaker in history. Give an example of his/her public speech. The following sites may help.




Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 597. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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