Студопедия — Раздел 1. Present Simple and Present Continuous
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Раздел 1. Present Simple and Present Continuous

Present Simple


Positive Questions Negatives
I You We They     work     Do I You We They     work I You We They   do not (don’t)     work
He She It   works   Does He She It   work He She It does not (doesn’t)   work


Употребление: действие, как факт (обычное, постоянное, повторяющееся)


Every day, every week, every month, every year

Often always

Seldom, rarely




Present Continuous


Positive Questions Negative with not
I am I’m   working Am I   working I am I’m   not working  
He She is It He’s She’s It’s he Is she it He She is It He’s She’s It’s
We You are They We’re You’re They’re we Are you they We You are They We’re You’re They’re


Negative with n’t
He She isn’t It     working
We You aren’t They


Употребление: действие как процесс (незаконченное, длящееся действие)

Now, at the moment

Ex. 1Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative, or question, using the Present Simple


I visit my parents very often. (negative)

I don’t visit my parents very often.

Does he go to school very day? (positive)

He goes to school every day.

She comes from Germany. (question)

Does she come from Germany?


1. She goes to work by car. (question)

2. We watch television every night. (negative)

3. He doesn’t walk to work every day. (positive)

4. He plays football every Saturday. (question)

5. He washes the car every week. (question)

6. They live in Australia. (question)

7. They go to school by bus. (question)

8. Does he finish work at five o’clock? (positive)

9. He goes to the cinema on Fridays. (question)

10. I come from Africa. (negative)

11. Does she live in the street? (positive)

12. He works in a restaurant. (question)

13. She gets up at five o’clock. (question)

14. They eat a lot. (negative)

15. Does he work here? (positive)


Ex. 2Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative, or question, using the Present Continuous


She’s watching television now (question)

Is she watching television now?

He isn’t staying at this hotel. (positive)

He’s staying in this hotel.

She’s reading now (negative)

She isn’t reading.

1. They’re working. (question)

2. He’s writing a letter. (question)

3. He’s eating. (negative)

4. I’m not working. (positive)

5. She’s studying at the moment. (question)

6. I’m sleeping. (negative)

7. You’re reading my newspaper. (question)

8. He’s talking to Mary. (question)

9. They’re not playing football. (positive)

10. He’s listening to the radio. (question)

11. She’s writing to her mother. (question)

12. We’re listening to the stereo. (negative)

13. They’re not watching television. (positive)

14. He’s reading. (negative)

15. They’re eating. (negative)


Ex. 3Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the correct tense the Present Simpleor Present Continuous


She (read) at the moment

She‘s reading at the moment

(You go) to work by car?

Do you go to work by car?

I (not watch) television every night.

I don’t watch television every night.

I (not watch television) at the moment.

I’m not watching television at the moment.

1. We (see) our parents every week.

2. (You listen) to the radio now?

3. I (not get up) at seven o’clock every morning

4. Peter (talk) to Susan now.

5. (They work) in the restaurant at weekends?

6. She (listen) to the radio in her bathroom at the moment.

7. They (not come) to school every day.

8. (You work) now?

9. The children (go) to bed at eight o’clock.

10. I (live) the office every day at five.

11. I’m sorry I can’t talk to you now: I (go) out.

12. (Peter and Jane work) in London now?

13. (Mary and Susan drive) to the office every day?

14. We (go) to the beach now.

15. (John listen) to the radio at the moment?

16. (Your parents sit) in the garden now?

17. The film (start) every night at eight o’clock.

18. They (not go) to the cinema very often.

19. (You go) into the office every morning?

20. I (not study) at the moment.


Раздел 2. Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple: question and negative

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