Студопедия — Developing a Comparison
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Developing a Comparison

Successful comparisons rest upon ample, well-chosen details that show just how the items under consideration are alike and different. Such support helps the reader grasp your meaning. Read the following two student para­graphs and note how the concrete details convey the striking differences between south and north 14th Street:

On 14th Street running south from P Street are opulent depart­ment stores, such as Woodward and Lothrop and Julius Garfinkle, and small but expensive clothing stores with richly dressed mannequins in the windows. Modern skyscraping office buildings harbor banks and travel bureaus on the ground floors and insur­ance companies and corporation headquarters in the upper stories. Dotting the concretescape are high-priced movie theaters, gourmet restaurants, multilevel parking garages, bookstores, and candy- novelty-gift shops, all catering to the prosperous population of the city. This section of 14th Street is relatively clean: the city maintenance crews must clean up after only a nine-to-five populace and the Saturday crowds of shoppers. The pervading mood of the area is one of bustling wealth during the day and, in the night, calm.

Crossing P Street toward the north, one notes a gradual but disturbing change in the scenery of 14th Street. Two architec­tural features assault the eyes and automatically register as tokens of trouble: the floodlights that leave no alley or doorway in shadows and the riot screens that cage in the store windows. The buildings are old, condemned, decaying monoliths, each occupying an entire city block. Liquor stores, drugstores, dusty television repair shops, seedy pornographic bookstores that display photographs of naked bodies with the genital areas blacked out by strips of tape, discount stores smelling per­petually of stale chocolate and cold popcorn, and cluttered pawnshops-businesses such as these occupy the street level. Each is separated from the adjoining stores by a littered entranceway that leads up a decaying wooden stairway to the next two floors. All the buildings are three stories tall; all have most of their windows broken and blocked with boards or newspapers; and all reek of liquor, urine, and unidentifiable rot. And so the general atmosphere of this end of 14th Street is one of poverty and decay.

Student Unknown

Vivid details depict with stark clarity the economic differences between the two cultures.

Organizing a Comparison

You can use either of two basic patterns to organize a comparison paper: block or alternating. The paper may deal with similarities, differences, or some combination of them.

The Block Pattern. The block pattern first presents all of the points of com­parison for one item and then all of the points of comparison for the other. Here is the comparison of the two salespeople, Pat and Mike, outlined accord­ing to the block pattern.

I. Introduction: mentions similarities in sales skills and effort

but recommends Pat for promotion.

II. Specific points about Mike

A.Leadership qualities

B.Knowledge of ordering and accounting procedures

C.Musical knowledge

III.Specific points about Pat

A.Leadership qualities

B.Knowledge of ordering and accounting procedures

C.Musical knowledge

IV.Conclusion: reasserts that Pat should be promoted.

The block pattern works best with short papers or ones that include only a few points of comparison. The reader can easily remember all the points in the first block while reading the second.

The Alternating Pattern The alternating pattern presents a point about one item, then follows immediately with a corresponding point about the other. Organized in this way, the Pat-and-Mike paper would look like this:

I.Introduction: mentions similarities in sales skills and effort

but recommends Pat for promotion.

II.Leadership qualities

A.Mike's qualities

B.Pat's qualities

III. Knowledge of ordering and accounting procedures

A.Mike's knowledge

IV. Musical knowledge

A. Mike's knowledge

B. Pat's knowledge

V. Conclusion: reasserts that Pat should be promoted.

For longer papers that include many points of comparison, use the alter­nating method. Discussing each point in one place highlights similarities and differences; your reader doesn't have to pause and reread in order to grasp them. The alternating plan also works well for short papers.

Once you select your pattern, arrange your points of comparison in an appropriate order. Take up closely related points one after the other. Depend­ing on your purpose, you might work from similarities to differences or the reverse. Often, a good writing strategy is to move from the least significant to the most significant point so that you conclude with punch.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 486. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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