Студопедия — Listen to the part of the recording describing the social programme and sort the pieces of information given below into two columns.
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Listen to the part of the recording describing the social programme and sort the pieces of information given below into two columns.

Tuesday Trip Thursday Trip


guided tour of the colleges trip to Oxford trip to Stratford trip to London dinner in a pub trip leaving at 5 o’clock trip to the National Theatre alternative trip

2.5. Listen to the last part of the recording and note down the centre’s facilities, completing the patterns below.

There’s 1. They have 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Listen to this part of the recording again and note down the sports and games they can do or play there. (There are 9 of them in all.)


Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check

3.1. While listening to the recording this time try to pick out the synonyms of the following expressions:

be responsible for sth

call sb’s attention to sth

last (about sessions)

be on time

get excited about sth

be planned

ahead of time

Complete the sentences from the recording filling in the appropriate prepositions where necessary.

a) Good evening... and welcome _______ the course.

b) I’m _______ charge _____ the general organization ______ the course.

c) If any of you have any suggestions or any complaints? Please come to me and I’ll take care _____ them.

d) You should all have a copy _____ the programme waiting _____ you when you book _____ _____ the reception desk.

e) The first session runs _____ n.n ______ n.n.

f) But I’m afraid we have to change the trip _____ Stratford which was scheduled ______ Tuesday.

g) We’re sorry ____ that.

h) Sorry _____ the change.

i) ____ the grounds we have plenty ____ space for jogging or cycling.

j) Before I hand _____ now ____ Alan...


Follow-Up Activities

4.1. Work in pairs. Role-play a conversation between a student of the course and his/her friend who is interested in the programme.

Think of a similar programme for the course of Russian for overseas students at your University. Present your programme to the group.


Text Title: Enquiring for a course

Cassette: From Task Listening, by L.Blundell, J.Stokes

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Study the word to avoid any difficulty of understanding.

registration fee [ÇredZIÈstreIS«n] - an amount of money you pay for registration


Listening Exercises

Listen to a telephone conversation between Peter, a student and a receptionist of the English language courses at Swan School. Identify the statements given below as True or False.

a) Swan School provides language courses only in summer.

b) Swan School is in Cambridge.

c) Swan School is quite popular.

d) Swan School provides various kinds of language courses.

e) There is a hall of residence for students at Swan School.

2.2. Listening to the recording this time, follow the receptionist giving information about dates, numbers and prices. Write down the answers to Peter’s questions listed in the chart below.


English Language Courses  
How long?  
How many hours?  
How many students in class?  
How much?  
How much for:  
Bed and breakfast  
Bed and breakfast and dinner  


Follow-Up Activities

Write a passage about the organization of the language courses at Swan School.

Write a passage about the organization of full-time and part-time language courses at your University.




Text Title: It’s a long story, really

Cassette: From Synthesis, by W.Fowler, J.Pidcock

Pre-Listening Exercises

Go through the translation of these words to avoid any difficulty in understanding the recording.

managing director - управляющий

engineering firm - машиностроительная фирма

do research [rIÈsÎùtS] - заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

resign from [rIÈzaIn] - увольняться

take over as - вступать в должность

Make sure you understand the words and word-combinations in the left-hand column. Match them with the definitions on the right.

A. ambition a. to make money in order to pay for the things

B. eyesight you need

C. to earn one’s living b. a strong desire to achieve sth. (e.g. career)

D. to appoint c. to give up one’s work

E. to keep the family d. to support, take care of the family

F. to retire e. ability to see

f. to choose sb for a post (job)


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 407. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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