Студопедия — Entry requirement to British universities, colleges or jobs
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Entry requirement to British universities, colleges or jobs

A-levels are still the most common entrance qualifications for students in the UK though most universities and university sector colleges now accept the IB and GNVQs as the equivalent of A-levels. Students generally take A-levels in two or three subjects related to their intended degree course. A-level courses normally take two years, but at some places a person can study them intensively for one year. The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an international qualification, which is recognized for university entrance in most countries, including the UK. General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ) is a work-related qualification, which is more generic and less employment-specific than NVQ. GNVQs prepare candidates for the world of work. They provide a blend of capability and competence, developing a person's employment potential for a range of jobs as well as the ability to progress to further and higher education. GNVQs are currently available at Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced level. Advance-level courses provide access to a degree. Na tional Vocational Qualification (NVQ) is a job-specific, competence-based qualification. These qualifications range from routine and predictable work - such as machine operations - at level one, through to competence in decision-making roles in unpredictable situations - required of top management and professionals - at level five. They are primarily designed to be delivered within a work environment. SVQ and GSVQ is a system of qualifications in Scotland with similar aims and characteristics as the NVQ/GNVQ but modified to take into account specific Scottish employment needs and legislation. The Scottish Qualification Authority both accredits and awards SVQs and GSVQs. Some universities and university sector colleges will accept a student without formal qualifications, provided the institution is satisfied that the student has a sufficient general standard of education and relevant working experience.

If you have not been educated in Britain, you will need to check how the level you have reached corresponds to the British system. It may be that the best solution for an international student will be an access or a foundation course, lasting from six months to a year, and probably offered at a further education college, but possibly at the university or university sector college itself. Another factor influencing the application will be the level of English. All colleges will require a certain level of English competence, depending on the type of course applied for, and will test for English ability either in the student own country or on arrival. Most institutions offer language support to international students alongside their educational course, as well as pre-sessional English programmes. If you are an International student, your application will be processed and copies sent to the universities and colleges you have chosen at any time between 1 September of a certain year and 30 June next year for entry in the same year. The closing date for Oxford and Cambridge, and for applications to medicine, dentistry and veterinary science/medicine was 15 October. To have a good chance of getting a place you must apply before 30 June. The guarantee for a good spot lessens after 15 January. You should check the deadline for individual universities and colleges. Success on the access course guarantees a place on the linked degree.


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