Студопедия — Part II. The central concept of his political sociology advocates the concept of power
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Part II. The central concept of his political sociology advocates the concept of power


The central concept of his political sociology advocates the concept of power. Weber was interested in legitimate power, which he called domination. In the structure of domination Weber distinguished three elements:

  • Head of the political union, a political leader (king, president, the leader of the party)
  • Administrative apparatus underpinning (қолдау көрсету/поддерживать) the leader
  • Obedience (бағыну/повиновение) of mass to the rule


Weber identified 3 ideal types of domination:

  • Legal
  • Traditional
  • Charismatic


Legal domination based on rationally formulated rules. In terms of legal domination people should obey the rules and laws, but not the person having authority. The ruler also has to obey the law. According to Weber for legal domination, control is carried out through the bureaucracy.


Traditional dominance is based on belief in the immutability (тұрақшылдық/неизменность) of existing social relations. In the traditional rule of appointment to any official was a high favor of the ruler. Among the historical examples of traditional domination, Weber drew attention to the governance system of ancient China. In Chinese society, government officials are members of the ruling class from more than 2,000 years. Weber emphasized the differences between liberal education Chinese officials and officials of the West. In the West, officials are primarily specialists in management.


Charismatic domination is based on the belief in the extraordinary, the exceptional quality of a political or religious leader. The concept of charisma means special divine gift, which elevates its owner over other people. It was believed that charisma could have great military leaders, prominent public figures and religious reformers. But the charismatic leader was required to periodically provide evidence of his extraordinary abilities. For example, the commander had to win a victory, a religious leader to perform miracles, etc.

Lecture # 13


Of XIX – early XX centuries

Part II

Content of the lecture:

1. The theory of elites

  1. Political sociology of Max Weber


The theory of elites is the concept, which assumes that people in general cannot control the state and society. Elites of different ages were selected for a variety of attributes - strength, origin, education, experience, ability, wealth, etc. Developed societies always included the ability to reach the most capable representatives of the people. From the point of view of this theory in the so-called democratic states is not governed by the whole people. They are governed by some part of elites, who are fighting for power. But people can manage these elites, using the right to vote.

Division of people into the elite and non-elite were based on religious, moral and ethical beliefs. The representatives of the Italian school of political sociology were first who proposed the concept of elites on experience and real political events. There were: N.Machiavelli, G. Mosca, V.Pareto, R. Michels (Italy). The school was also called Machiavellian.


Gaetano Mosca (1854-1941)

He analyzed the political power in society. Access to the political elite requires special skills and abilities. In primitive society valued military prowess (ерлік/доблесть) and courage (батылдық/мужество), after money and wealth. But the most important criterion for the selection of the elite was the ability to manage. Mosca distinguished autocratic and liberal management styles. In the first power was transmitted from the top down, in the second power was delegated upwards.

Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)

Pareto called the history as the cemetery of elites. Minorities fight and come to power. Then they are in decline and are replaced by other minorities. Elites tend to decline. Non-elites in turn are able to create a worthy (абыройлы/достойный) successor. Often the children of the elite may not have the outstanding qualities of parents. That is why there are the need for constant change and the circulation of elites. The old elites always lose energy.

Robert Michels (1876-1936)

He said that democracy is impossible. The masses of people are incompetent and indifferent (енжарлы/равнодушный). They need guidance on them. Masses need the leader to manage them an organization. This organization should divide people into rulers and subordinates. Michels later became the supporter of fascism in Italy and in Germany.

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